Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Uh...No idea what to call this post

Miley has no shame...-sigh- What a slut
I look kinda emo ...LOL

I do like nice and it does have a Katy Perry feel to it!

For some reason when I look at this pic for the 1st time, it made me think of Mandy(My half cousin)

I look nice but I should take more full than 4 over 5

Me smiling

This is the best among all!Yay!

Yesterday: Okay woke up at 6 something and was suppose to go to Sze Ker's house but body was too tired to get up and so slept til 10 something or was it 9? Hmmm...neways did my shower and breakfast and went to school...the bus is always so boring since Nutty and Celine hasn't come on the bus lately =( but only Yi Ting was there but it's so hard to talk to her sometimes...-sigh- got to school then put my stuff in the study hall and then found Cheryl and then saw Shan who I ask how come no go Sze Ker's place? and She said that she couldn't wake up and was tired and I was all like nodding my head and went with Cheryl to canteen who FORCE me to eat lunch (I didn't eat b4 coming to school cause the bus already came) and she gave me money to buy cause she got RM50 and use it to buy soya bean or was it the new famous drink they sell????...hmmm...neways eat rice with two black chicken and some egg tofu thing which again Cheryl FORCE me to eat and saying it's good and delicious and healthy for ya body...and just like what any guy would do to a nagging woman...just keep nodding and do what the nagging woman wants(btw I'm a girl) but I was kinda afraid to eat it...I look away from the tofu/egg thing while opening my mouth and estimate where my mouth is...when I ate tasted really weird and really soft that I don't wanna chew and just swallow it...and when she said is it good? I just kept nodding my head and agree with the woman...and she said see told ya...and in my head I was like uh huh...yeah right... and so continue my struggle with my lunch and ickyness(the tofu egg part) then saw Jojo (or was it Sulyvia?) And she sat with us...and Cheryl ate wan tan mee...after done we went to toilet to check out the pics that she took on her phone....Did you know we keep going to the toilet for about 4 or 5 times and we never even once saw the pics? -sarcastic smile- neway...class started with Sejarah (Malay History) which was a total snore fest...ZzZzZz...and I gave a red ribbon for Jin to cure her sore throat(it's something I learn from a book) then english class and then this is where it gets intersting(not a nerd) Me,Jin,Mrs.Xiao,KJ,Shan,Kel and Kaili was sitting at the same table...and some people were sneak eating in class...and when teacher saw KJ was chewing...she wanted to dimerit (minus mark off from the displine mark idea what you call it) KJ and KJ was like 'I didn't eat!My teeth hurts and two of them are already shaking!' but the teacher didn't care and wanna go dimerit. I mean it wasn't the teacher's fault...cause she REALLY was eating. And Jin step up to the teacher helping KJ knowing full well that KJ is guilty but still help anyway (awww...isn't Jin a great friend?) but vulgur words were thrown and Jin herself also got dimerit...more than can't believe you risk your on marks just to help her...any who...lunch time came...then Chinese class time, teacher personally thought me how to write the Chinese essay...cause well I suck at Chinese even though I'm Chinese myself...I'm a disgrace to my kind...Lol and well my friends just did their thing while I was kind of a teacher's pet...and Kel's essay was definitely hilarious! XD and the Gym came...we just did our usual sit on the grass and was just me,Jin,Mrs.Xiao,Kj,some girl,Jeslyn and Sze Ker. And Mrs.Xiao kept on teaing me bout SWS. And we just talked and then Sze Ker say something bout a girl who has really black and big thighs...and is wearing shorts(not her fault cause it's gym) and KJ being like 'Oh what ugly and black thighs! And some more go and wear shorts!' She shouted really loud for the girl to hear and me being offended in a's like stating that I'm fat when I have already know that when I was a baby til now and KJ just saw her and didn't even fucking knew her and some more say like that!So I told her 'Don't say that bout people,it'll hurt their feelings' and she was like 'So what? She can not care one mah!' now this got me piss than ever and I said 'What if somebody called you bucktooth,ugly or black?' and she was like 'I just don't care lah' then a few minutes passed and KJ made a 'flagpole' as she call it from stuff that grow from the grass that isn't grass and started singing our national anthem...and wanted Jin to see it. I saw it and I just say 'Wow! What an ugly flagpole!' And THAT piss KJ off and she glared at me and I was smiling while saying 'Why glare at me? You can don't care one mah!' and she started shouting at me but thankfully Jin scolded her for always wanting to pick an arguement with her friends that she cares. And I was like 'Ha! In your face,bitch!' in my head and so we went back to our class and I told the story of KJ being disrespectful to Shan and Kel...and they agree and we started to say bad things bout KJ really loudly. And then Geografi time! The teacher came in and siad that students that want to learn came to the front and those who don't wanna learn stay in the back and can do whatever the hell we want. I wanted to go and at the same time lazy to go to the front just to hear stuff which I will know that will not learn...and so instead talk to Jin and Mrs.Xiao... I put the red ribbon on my head and Mrs.Xiao said that I look nice and Jin said it give me like this Katy Perry kind of look. So school ended and home...shower...dinner...homework of sim dating game...sleep and did I also mention that Kel show me something funny about Miley Cyrus....?

Today: Woke up...shower...breakfast....went to Cher's place to help her decide on what to match with her outfit for this Sat...we talked and let her watch nigahiga vids...then went back at at 10:3o something and then had freakin' lunch and then toilet and lunch again (btw my lunch was just a strawberry,banana,apple and watermelon milkshake) and then went to school. Cheryl wasn't there yet so...went to corridor to wait for her to come and while waiting, I sat on a chair which made me look like a weirdo or a beggar to a lot of people that were passing by...then gave up on waiting and luckily saw Jas and follow her into school...while waliking saw Cheryl on the stairs to the assembly hall but I had promised Jas that I follow her to the book shop and thus I did...I was being all cherry and LOL kind of person and Jessie keep saying that I'm so LOL and then went to canteen and then saw Cheryl again and follow her while Jessie went with Yi Ting...and me,Cheryl,Shan,Kel,Jeslyn and some people who I forgot were all talking bout stuff that I don't even fuck hell remember...then some ...stuff...happen and went to hall to mark our attendence and Jin was talking bout...something...that I don't remember...I think it was bout this Sat Cher FORCE me again...-.-u to promise to not wear the god damn jacket that I always seem to wear and Jin,Shan,Kel,Mrs.Xiao,Cze Ying and KJ were all her witnesses... T^T and Jin will help me to choose what to wear for Sat, this Friday. So life continue on...boring classes...break time...then class again and memory is getting waaaaaayyyyy fuzzy um I think I was half asleep and half awake during Moral class and at our KH (physis) class...I was being all weird and funny again. I was whispering weirdly to Yi Ting cause she said she was bored to me by whispering...and I kept listening to Jin's love life story to Li Yuan...and I kept looking at her face until it looked like a moon...don't ask me how that happened but it did...and I noticed that Li Yuan had a big red pimple on her used to be flawless white beautiful face...and I was like 'Noooo! Sasuke!' and Jin was like 'Whaaa? Sasuke?' and I was like 'Yeah, you forgot that we used to say that she sorta look like Sasuke?' and she was like 'Oh yeah' Li Yuan is this pretty AND handsome girl so...she could date both gender but sadly she's straight...4 some reason I am Lol-ing right now...neway continue...School over and shower and then dinner then dad's homework then right now...The minute I opened my monitor this is the 1st thing that I'm doing right now and then took photos of myself with ribbons on my head so I could put it in this post and type more...then got bored a lil and went to deviantart then youtube then hotmail...then continue to type more then got bored again and went to go see some sasusaku hentai...yes, I am with it or go away! Neway am gonna play tag thing soon and also I'll be putting nicknames so if you can guess who is who then your pretty dang smart,to people who I know in real life! And I also discovered I can actually comment on blog...maybe I'll go comment Jin's,Kel's and Cher's blog.....So now Byes! ^.^

1 comment:

Jinger Yeoh said...

write what i scolded the science teacher and dont write about the reuben thingy.