Monday, April 20, 2009

Bloody waters

This is xigbar woke up normal and had breakfast and that when IT happened...I was ready for shower when...only a little water came...and my hair was half whole body was dry and so I did the 1st thing that came in my mind...complain to my dad on the phone...and he just told me to use other bathrooms and so I did...I was in nothing but a towel to cover me up and carried my clothes and shampoos with me...sister:no water...parents:no water and again went complaining and thus he told me to use the sink water since it was the only one that has water and I use but it became smaller and smaller by the second and and I quickly close the tap once the plastic pot was filled and pour it on my head...ahhh...sweet sweet water and I put my sunsilk conditioner and guess what? The conditioner went dripping on my face thus making me blind and when I went to get the second time, the fucking thing have no water anymore and the conditioner got into my I was blind,naked,wet and oily conditioner on my head...I used a towel to wipe off my face...but my left eye was already half red...damn you conditioner! And complain to my dad and my dad suggested me to use the god damn cold water from the I went and get them and thank god have a fridge on my 2nd floor... and thank god even more for having 2 big bottles of water and damn it was cold but I finally got the shampoo out of my hair and clean the rest of my body...even though those water were cold but I'm still grateful and by the time I dry up, it was time for me to go to wait for my bus to Jin,Mrs.Xiao,Shan,Kel and KJ all gang up on the chienese teacher...I felt bad for her...I'm the most goody goody one in our went on and but during Geografi...Mrs.Xiao and KJ drove teacher mad until she doesn't wanna teach anymore...(this is the part I hate the most bout Mrs.Xiao and KJ?...I already hate everything bout her so what more is there to hate?) anywho Shan and Kel went after the teacher trying to convince her to come back and she did but Mrs.Xiao has to go all Ms.Diva and thus making the teacher mad and off again...-sigh- all that hard work that Kel and Shan did...just so it could be wasted...and KJ shouted and had a quarel with one of our classmate...when she shouted I thought my other ear would went deaf(my left ear was already deaf due to last last Sunday's shower) and math class and I just noticed today that the math teacher look like Xigbar from Kingdom Hearts...just add an eye patch and a scar and some grey highlights and wear a black cloak and she REALLY could be xigbar...I wonder if we can use her for cosplay...hmmm...but Jin won't allow it of course...and went I was being fetch home by my dad told me why I couldn't open ALL the fucking water this afternoon and it was cause of my god damn fucking brother who didn't turn off the hose after watering the plants...Damn bastard made me blind,red eye and feeling all dirty for nothing!!!! D=<>

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