Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yesterday: Cousin's B-day

The place where I do my contact eye lens

My younger aunt and her son aka my cousin

My cousin's B-day cake

They're playing ps2 (Naruto)

Lol! At the little orange guy who popped out from nowhere
That dog is not dead...I think

It's huge! looks so bored...=<
Baby Chi wawa

Cute twins!

Oh no! They're fighting!

Cute! ^^


Those are seriously big and scary fishes!

Funny cat! XD

Sleepy Cat
Lazy Cats

White mice
The darker raccoon made me think of Pocahontas

The white kitty played with my finger! ^^
Makes me think of my late rabbit,Fluffy
Makes me think of Kelly for some reason

All the hamsters are sleeping
An Australian mouse
The squirrel was curled up


Follow the leader aka Daniel
This place sells a lot of stuff
Lol! Doesn't my sis look dorky?
Lots of colorful paints
My sis begging my dad to buy her something
This is the that something she wanted
Wah! Spray Paints!
Face make up
Don't know what this is but makes me think of cosmetics

What I was wearing for the day
The cashier reminds me of Fishy, my standard 6 teacher
OMG! That's a LOT of dandruff!

Me,Jin and KJ were at this place that looked like One Stop/Gurney/Prangin Mall/Bukit Jambul and we were leaving and then I decided to take the stairs while they use life. I got down 1st to the car park but there was a 7-11? And I went in and bought KFC? Then Jin and KJ were running for some reason and they told me to run which I did and we went into Jin's car but she was the driver even though she looks and may still be 14? Neway out of no where this dude with a mask and chainsaw came and knocked on the car window which freak me out and but Jin quicly drove out of the car park and away from the pshyco killer and so we were safe and I ate my KFC chicken that I bought at 7-11??? And then I saw this dog and I picked it up and threw it into a sewer!!!O.O It was almost drowning and I almost wanted to leave but didn't and watched the dog until it swim to a more shallow place and by that time I already ran to my grandma's place mum's side) and the dog super jumped out of the freakin' sewer and it was chasing after me and damn it started to looked really scary and I ran and ran...thank god I made it in time and then later I went to B Smart which was at Ayer Itam?and it had this kind of tree house kind of style....and I saw this monkey but more of a baboon and it was TALKING to my parents about me and when it looked me in the eye, I was like fucking scared and then I look at the pictures on the wall on my way to the stairs and saw pictures and certificate of the baboon and the baboon was a genius or something like that and one picture totally made me turn white...there was that dog that I had threw in the sewer...and I looked at the baboon, and it was giving me the evil look like 'I'll get my revenge' and I ran up all the way to the stairs screaming 'The talking monkey is gonana fucking kill me!!!!!!' again and again and the people there were like staring at me like I was insane and saw Cze Ying and grabbed her shoulders and shake her and kept shouting over and over again the same thing and also btw we were the only 2 girls there...everyone else are guys and one of my crush,Gl was staring at me weirdly but I didn't pay attention coz I was scared like shit and then Cze Ying slapped me and told me to calm down and then I hear knocking...and I woke up...Thank God that was just a dream coz if I really ate those KFC chicken....I would have gain weight....neway my dad told me to get up and to go do my contact lenses which I'm out of and go to cousin's b-day. After showering and got ready and stuff. Then went to somewhere near farlim and did my contact and then went to visit my mum's side grandparents' house and talked to them and stuff and then went to my younger aunt's house to celebrate my cousin's b-day. We watched a Naruto movie but got bored and then played PS2 intead...playing Bleach was the best coz I kick ass in it but only one person won me >=<>

Dedicated for Crystal...<=)

For my dear matter how hard I wish you didn't have to go but I know u're in a better place.

Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy

Your fingertips across my skin

The palm trees swaying in the wind
You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes
Clever trick

Well I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me
And when you left, you kissed my lips
You told me you would never, never forget
These images

Well I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind
So you're gone and I'm haunted
And I bet you are just fine

Did I make it that
Easy to walk right in and out
Of my life?

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

You'll always be my 1st love,my bestest friend and a special person in my heart and always be remember by me

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yesterday :My baking day with Jin

Jin looks like a devil in here...kinda scary...-.-u

Jin putting the hot water for the Milo

Love the sky

Love the mountain

Golden Mind!

My dad talking on the phone

Peace Jinger!
Listening to!

Our wan tan mee!

Jin eating her noodles!
sThis is how much she didn't eat

The Ingredients
3 chunks of butter

Chocolate mixing flour

Time to mix it


Egg 1

Egg 2

Egg 3

Egg 4

Egg 5

Put in the flour with eggs and butter

Start mixing again

Looks chocolatey

Reminds me of poop

Add in chocolate milk


Mixing even more

Looks more like melted chocolate now...

Doing something


My third great aunt

Looks good!

Pour in

Oh yeah! Pour it all baby!


Waiting for the oven to heat 1st so it'll be easier

Out in oven

Almost in oven...btw oven very hot

In oven

Jin in the reflection


Vain Jinger

Vain Jinger #2

Almost done

My great aunt feeding Elizebeth wan tan mee
Little Victoria after shower

The cake is finally finished!

Vain Jin #3
Mango Flavour

Strawberry Flavour

Our cake 4 Raul and Cze Ying

Woke up at phone ringing from Jinger cause she was coming to my house...and then got ready by wearing my contact lens and brushing my teeth then went down and waited for her...After waiting,she came and we both sneak up to my room cause my mom was showering...and her door was open...then show Jin some stuff on Internet then went to sleep a lil while she played with my computer then my dad came and we went down and mw saw me sis drinking Milo and I was like 'Kelly, go make me Milo' Kelly -> -.- and then I said 'Please?' <=3 and my dad told me to make it myself but I don't know how...and Jin was like 'How could you not know how to make Milo?' and I replied 'I just don't' and good young Jin went and make me Milo and I was like -> =3 and she was -> -.-u n XD at the same time...i think...when I was damn hot and put LOTS of ice in my Milo and after finishing, my dad took us to my third great aunt's house but took my sis to Golden Mind 1st. My dad bought some wan tan mee for us and my third great aunt and uncle...we said 'hi' to my great aunt and then went and eat our wan tan mee...I gave ALL my wan tan mee and some of my meat and veggies to Jin...Lol! I had little veggies and some other stuff in my mee but damn! Jin has a lot...partly my fault...hehe... then I couldn't stop not looking at my food while eating...cause everytime I look at it,I shudder. Then Jin got tired of me doing like that....that she force me to eat the fucking veggie and I was like big eyes and jaw dropping and 'she was you have to do it' and I was like 'Nooooooo!!!!' T^T and so I grab some noodles and she put the veggie on top and I didn't even look at it...coz it look really gross...and she told me to put it in my mouth and I did...when I ate it...I could taste and felt disgusting it was and I was like 'eeeeewwwwww' on the inside....and it was in my mouth for a very long time and Jin said 'Just swallow it already' and I did and didn't bother to chew anymore and just swallow the thing...and I told Jin that and I just swallow it without chewing and she said 'good!' ^^ with that kind of face on. So in the end Jin hasn't finish half of her noodle so there were stall a lot on her plate while mine is a little noodle only with some of the veggies still after eating, it was time to.........BAKE THE CAKE! Yay!!! ^^ So my aunt took out the ingredients which were 1 chocolate milk, 5 eggs, 3 big chunk of butters and a chocolate flour thing. And we bake it with love...some sugar....some spice and everything nice and and when it was put in the oven me and Jin went to watch a movie and little Victoria went and put the movie 'Hotel For Gogs' on and we watch it.After half an hour, ithe cake was done.It smelt awesome and look so tasty...Jin wanted to eat it after smelling it. And we continue to watch the movie and Jinger went fangirl-ing some dude that was in the movie who she said is hot and not hot at the same time...-.-u anywho...after done,called my dad to get us.After getting us,we ask him to take us to bakery to write stuff on cake. And we went to bakery and it cost us RM5 to do the writing thing...while waiting, Jin bought 2 pastries there...and they were pretty...after our cake was done, we left the bakery and put the cake in my dad's car and when we were at the corridor I touch my pocket and I went like this face -> O.O and was like 'OMG! I forgot to put the fucking camera in my dad's car!' to Jin and she was like O.O this 2....I think...neway we dropped my camera to the discipline room but Puan Lim wasn't there so we gave to another discipline...and then went on our school day and me and Jin talked in the garden and I was glad that I FINALLY found someone that I can trust to tell my secrets and vice versa...and then school start n stuff and then we gossip about a certain someone...and then lunch...n guess what I have 4 break? Wan tan mee again! Lols...neway...after eating, we went back to our class and oh yea...Cher pulles me away and wanted to tell me something and shouldn't be shock...when I heard that...I knew what it was...she asked me wanna be girlfriends? I wasn't shock or happy to hear that anymore...I felt absolutely nothing...and then we talked about it...after that Cher asked Jin 'Hey Jin, what if me I was to be a les?' and Jin just replied 'I would hate you' and something else was said and then it was art class and had to go to the 3rd floor and Cher followed me cause well her class is 2nd floor so...I ask her what if I were to say yes to her offer and she said some stuff which I don't remember and I know I was kinda unhappy and pissed by the time I went to the art class room...then told Jin about what had happened and Jin told me 'Good and don't' and after for a few mind was thinking...maybe I should take the offer and the other was like 'No! Don't you'll only get hurt' and I could imagine a Devil Cheryl and an Angel was a lot of Lols...Thank God nobody saw me smiling to myself and...neway got home and showed, eat and going to tuition. Tuition was kinda funny cause the teacher kept teasing Sze Ker...then went home and do stuff.

Ps:I have a new crush on someone and yes it's a she...<3