Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today bought stufffffffffffffssssssssssssssss!!!!!! And other randomness! X3

Okay...I woke up at somewhere around something...and talked to Selena...-fangirl sigh- and then went shower and stuff like that and today was family day so went to this place-points down- (beside new world park) to eat and so I order fried rice and carrot juice...then the guy made my order wrong and I couldn't change it cause my dad had took some stuff out of my food...great...just great...and I was stubborn and wouldn't eat the damn fried rice and I had this whole glare sour face on...then minutes passed and my parents gave up and said I could go order again and gave my unwanted friend rice to my brother and sister to share and so I order wan tan mee...well at least the person got my food right...and so after eating finished. I was the 1st person to reach to the car...and see those two in the pic? Yeah...that's my dad n brother...and while waiting for mom to hurry up...(she was ordering food for my grandparents and my third aunt) my dad commented...on my outfit saying 'How can you be a designer? You wear a slut'...Apparently no matter how many times I have explain to this man...he still doesn't know the meaning of what slutty outfits look like...And I said 'Dad,this is not slut! Slut is more like revealing and almost showing off the inappropriate body parts and I'm almost wearing like a boy! And also just because I wear this doesn't not make me a designer. It just shows that I'm cold...'Lols....yeah....people who have met me in person...guess what I was wearing...yes...the green jacket and jeans....again...yup...

Don't what the hell my dad did...but it pissed Kelly off and made her beat him! XD

Lols at this -points down- XD

Dude! That is one big ass of a dandruff! And told my bro about it and help him took it off his hair and showed to him....

My sis was going for a bling bling gangsta pose....why she was doing gangsta? It's cause of her bling which was that necklace on her neck...yea...cause of that...she think she's gangsta...=.=
Then when mommy dear came, we decided to look around new world world park...Ohh!!! Wigs!
And kiddy rides! What fun!
This section looks nice
Ohhhh!!!! It was so pretty,girly and pink that it drove me and my sister in there and the rest of the family member had no choice but to followed us...

Look at all the stuff toys!
Whooo...Ahhh!!!! Bowwas....I think that's how they spell right?

Hello Kitties bags!

Small size cushion...only for NOT humans! =D what joy!

Pretty flowers!

This made me think of CheRaul....if you're reading this,Cher....lols....

This is just too cute! ^^

This again makes me think of CheRaul...again...XD

Look! A doggy pillow!
A bunch of pillows...made me wanna sleep and hug them...=_=ZzZzZz this smilie was suppose 2 have a smile but oh well...

Cool mic!

A mermaid statue! X3
Lookie! A shrek plushie!

A bunch of kitties...damn I want REAL kitties! T_T

Bunch of Stitch merchandise

Lols 2 my bro's,banana's n THAT thing's faces! XD but I like the banana better! XD

Aren't they cute? =3

Pikachu,Cookie Monster, 2 Bart Simpsons and Homer Simpson was grabbed by the ear by my sis...lols....

Chips and Dales!

That thing below Patrick the star is creepy...damn Lilo...why you gotta make something si creepy looking? Neway looks like he's humping her....XD

Bunch of purses!

Bunch of pink bags and white cap

More bags...

Even MORE bags!

Hey it's Doremon!...why does it make me think of Doreen?

Nicey snow globs...want them! X(

Cool wing!

And then I saw these photo albums...they look nice...^^ but can only choose I ask my trusty (feminine...metro sexual[for those who do not know what this means gay but don't like boys]) brother and he said :'If I was a girl, I would chose the pink' and I was' Why pink and not green? I thought you like green?' and he was 'I said IF I was a girl...I go for the pink' -he started to look gay at this part which I lol- I was 'What about red? It had love and stuff...' and he was 'Nah...I like pink better cause it's more girly'...then I burst out laughing ' are SO gay' and he was like 'Shut up...' and walked away so I looked at the boxes...the green was nice but it was already kind of I looked at the pink...and I reliaze it was more for newborn baby girls photo kind of album and so I look at the was too much hearts on it....
So in the end, I chose red...cause this was better than the other two
And look you guys! I bought the pink wing! Yay! ^^ I did a lot of convincing but I got it in the end! ^^

Lols look at my sis...she's kind of moody...but there's a reason for it

Awww...look at her....isn't she cute? Just glaring at the camera? =3

She started to tear at this point...wanna know why? Cause dad didn't bought her a wrapping paper to wrap her present for her b-day present for her friend but the truth is....
It was already sister was just plain retarded...=.= she wanted to wrap it again and suprise her friend that it was a present with another present in it!Just like that indonesia lady who gave birth to a baby which had another baby inside it! Yeah....that was creepy....but I have no idea what's inside cause my sis wouldn't tell me due to her crappy yeah...
Oh! Look what a tall building!

Went to 3rd aunt's place

Mom talking to 3rd Aunt

Mom giving 3rd aunt something...

Mom explaining about why Kelly is being in a crappy mood...Look at Kel's face! XD

She was trying to reach for daddy

At this point...she started to beat dad....

Lols to my dad's face! XD this was after my sister had swear A BUNCH of bad little words that little kids like her should not have used....and my dad slapped her after that....which caused her to this crying face

We passed by Tenby International School...
Like the clouds

Awesome view

Even awesomer view


My mom bribe my sis RM2 to shut up...lols...did it work?, it did not...
Yeah we went to Gurney Plaza
My mom hugged my sis and hope she would shut up...but that also didn't work
Lols...what the hell is Daniel doing? -Raises one eyebrow-

Bunch of cars....I also have come to a conclusion that people can high jack a car here...cause well since people are shopping in the mall and well there's a bunch of cars to chose from...There's a BMWs, Hondas,KIAs and bunch of other cars that I have no idea what the hell they're names are! =D n Danny boy had to dragged her out of the car...I grabbed her leg and Dan grabbed her hands but only managed to make her sit upright and then I carry her out...and Damn was she heavy...she kinda sprain my arm...but we manage to got her out....and my mom was being a bitch with a stick up her ass and she was like 'Don't drag your sis!' I mean what else do you want us to do huh? There was no other option and we didn't see you do anything your words are pointless to Kelly the Cry mom is always a bitch...she can talk the talk but can't do the walk...

My mom comforting and pleading my sis to go....but she was stubborn and stood there while me,Dan and dad went inside the cold sweet Gurney...
They took the stairs cause Kel didn't wanna be near dad and then we went to the place where they sell some sort of bread flavor corn my dad,bro and sis love...
Apparently Danny boy has no neck due to him having a big ass chin....yup....I kept teasing him bout it and we talked until to Crimson Chin from the FairyOddParents...lols....
So we went to Reject Shop....I try on lots of clothes....and was kinda embrassed when my dad mentioned...go and buy bra...we were trying to find a sports bra....but sadly it was not big enough and it did not stop my boobs from bouncing...T^T...wish my boobs are the same size as my friends....but they're yeah...I bought 3 knee length shorts and 3 pajama pants and a bunch of shirts...
My dad was 3rd in line....when we got there...
Then we went to Popular bookstore...cause there was where my brother had went....and we went to the CDs and DVDs section....bunch of animes and I ran to it...Oh sweet sweet animes! <3
Yeah I know the name of this anime...but for some reason...the website wouldn't let me put you just have to see the name of the cover on this DVD
Soul eater! Haven't watch it but will soon...Soul(the guy with the white hair) and Death the kidd(the guy with the black and white hair) are soooooooooooo hawt! X3

Bleach!!!!!! My fav! Even fav than Naruto....-gasp from my friends-....None of my friends from group(CCF) like Bleach...I feel so sad...that means I can't cosplay bleach....T^ guys are so cruel....I watch and try to get interested in UR animes! Why don't you try mine?!....Actually Jin watched a few episodes and has hated it....T^T...I seriously feel sad....seriously...I'm starting to love Rangiku and have an anime girl crush on her....and Gin! You are so hawwwwwttttt!!!! X3...Damn both of them are hot....they make an awesome couple....

Look! Code Gease! =3 Wanted to buy...but didn't knew which one to buy...-sigh- so didn't bought it in the end....I wanna watch but my friend,Kelly...No...not my cry baby bitch of a sister,Kelly...but my crazy, wacko, fun, cute, flawless skin friend,Kelly wouldn't lend it to me.... T^T What got me inspired to wanna watch this? It was cause Cappy's pm mentioning that Viva La Vida by coldplay suit Code Gease and went to youtube to watch the amv...and it was awesome and also saw FDP cosplay yeah....pretty much interested...if I don't get to watch soon...I'll get bored and never watch it....ever....
Neway...OHS! Yay!What a pretty cover...

Fruit Basket...for some friends choose Yuki...but I choose Kyo...maybe cause I like cats?Nah...I think Kyo is hotter than Yuki...

SAYUKI RELOAD!Kyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaa!!!!XD I think they or Beyblade were the 1st anime I watch but neway....they are all so hot! At least in this version of something about going to the west thing story, Hakkai doesn't look like a pig...(he's the reason why I like brown hair and green eyes <3)>
I'm starting to get bored watching barbie movies now...and also cause the drawing look like crap....and I'm just lazy to collect the barbie CDs anyway....
Avatar!!!! <3....i style="text-align: center;">Sasuke!!!!!!!(Yeah....they're showing the new naruto movie.Naruto Shippuden 2:The Bond

Orochimaru is so hot!!!! If only he wasn't label as Anime version of Micheal Jackson...=.=
There were way funnier scenes but I missed it due to stupid zoom in thing on my camera....
My bro was asking me if the person with the red hair that they were travelling with is a girl or boy? And I told him that it's a girl cause she disguised herself for some reason as a boy and that she has a crush on her sensei who is actually old and evil....
Twilight! Awwww...that light blocked Bella....but then again....nobody cares bout her....the fangirls just like looking at the gorgeous Edward Cullen...lols XD

Look! Its David Archuleta! But I'm not a fan...just took a pic of him for a friend who I think will never read my blog...(I'm talking bout Shanice if you people haven't figured out yet)
Look! I got a Kai DS cover which I will probaly never use coz I don't wanna ruin it cause it's too precious! X3 Kai!!!! -fangirl scream-
Look! The Bladebreakers! =D I miss Beyblade....Damn have to wait 2010 for the new season
...but they're gonna change the characters like they did with Digimon and Pokemon...-sniff sniff- Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooossssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After shopping, we went back home and dad owes Kel a bunch of requests....lols XD
Home at last!
Waiting for gate to open
There were mushroom growing on our fence...=_=

Pretty flowers among the grass and those plant thing....
So yeah...after I was done taking pics...went online to blog about yesterday event...Cher's B day then got lazy and chatted with Cappy-senpai! =3 And then chatted to Selena....and did some other online deviantart and youtube and friendster and etc....then dinner time...after dinner....back to my sweet computer...tomorrow was test but didn't bother to study...was too lazy to do and also my dad doesn't care if I fail it so yay for me...but I can't fail English and Science...I had no problems with English...and Science was on yeah...then sleep now...Byes!

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