Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cher's 14 Bday

It's been a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg time since I updated my blog....neway continue-ing on with my blog...I woke up,had a shower,remember that I should bring dress for Cheryl but got lazy and went onlining and talk to 'that person'....-blush- and then got ready for everything for the day and my dad kept yelling at me to be faster so I rush and rush and forgot to wear socks and I was wearing yeah...-.-u neway we(my dad,bro, sis n me) went to my aunt's house to have breakfast.After that, I went to tuition and I thought I was 1st but wasn't cause I saw Zhenyi in another room and went to call her. And went to toilet to put on some concealer and eyeliner. Then Zhenyi ask me what the dress is for...I said its Cheryl and she got a mischievous idea and wanted to hide the dress....and me being well...timid me...just didn't argue and went along with Zhenyi ask her brother to keep it and stuff and 5 minutes later,Cher sms Zhenyi to go to Happy Mart. And we went down and brought the dress along and we saw her inside and went in and I told her I didn't brought her dress and immediately her happy face turn into a sour and she after she pay her stuff and left and Zhenyi quickly ran to her with the dress behind her and I also ran to catch up with both and Cheryl was waiting for the elevator and Zhenyi show and gave her the dress and I told Cher it was Zhenyi's idea and this is what Cher said:" Don't do that lah! You already know don't play with me cause today is important!" and then she took the dress and we went up. After Cher has put her stuff, she went and change into the dress with me and Zhenyi following. When she put it on, we were awed and I brought lots of necklace to see which fits the dress and it was like she was getting marry, and we tease her about and she was embarrassed and smiling widely saying shut up! And she tried a lot of necklace but then she found the right one. -Angels music- Look how happy she is wearing the necklace -points down-, it's not cause of the necklace but Zhenyi tease her bout Raul and something to do with the necklace.
Cheryl looks pretty with the necklace doesn't she? ^^
Then we went to tuition for 2 hours and kept looking at the time.And when finally over, we went down and I saw my dad. I put my tuition bag into the car and grabbed my camera bag. I was happily filming everybody who I know and I got a call from Jinger who told me bout Fuji and Sel are in a relationship. And I was like O.O Oh my God! And what happened?How? And stuff like that...everybody ask the same like I did with the Oh my God! What happened? How? and when I heard bout it I was devastated to a pang of pain in my heart to anger til I kept cursing Fuji over and over again and whine a lot to Cher....who I bet think I was annoying. And we kept waiting for Cher's sis to come and I couldn't help think the words of Jinger...When Cher's Sis,Aja, came, I try to shake it off and video us( Cher,Aja and me) in the car and we went to the opposite of Island Plaza so Aja could take Cher's cake...while waiting, I told Cher I was miserable but she didn't seem like she care...and my heart hurts more...cause of FxS n Cher not caring <=(....but I change my mood when Jin call me and told me that she can go out and ask if we can fetch when Aja came back, me n Cher ask 4 permission. And thank God, she allowed and I apologize for the inconvieniece and a thanks. While driving there, Aja wanted some hawker food like Char Koay Teow,Laksa and stuff like Malaysian food. So she ask Cher to call their mom to ask what food she is cooking but...their mom was making spaghetti. And she didn't want that. Then when we arrive at Jin's place...Jin was still upstairs....being slow...and we waited then we got tired and me and Cher went to go get her but halfway...Jin came down so we all went to the car and on our way to Tunes Hotel.We talked until we were there and Jin took a lot of pics of herself... and she also took this pic -points down- Yea....that's tune hotel and Wei Loong was already yeah.... We press the 2nd floor and saw the place was kinda empty( not the lobby but the cafe place) and so the four of us....just sat there and kinda just talk.Us girls went to the bathroom...Jin changed her casual outfit to a formal one while I or was it Cher peed...yea...and guess what? Jin was also wearing PURPLE!!!Now both Jin and Cher are wearing purple...I feel left out...lols... and we even told Wei Loong to come in to see the wonders of the girl's toilets. XD But he didn't came in, he was one of those polite nice yeah and after we were done at the toilet, I borrow Cher's mom's laptop and online.
After that we just kinda walk around, I kept teasing Cher bout her baby boy...and this was the result: A very embrassed Cheryl.Hahahaha! XD
And this was the menu for the day...pic credits to Jinger
Then later I open youtube and show them the newset NigaHiga's video and then Sze Ker and said she said she had we went down and got her.

After bringing Sze Ker, we went up again and I went onlining again. I went to deviantart to search for L and Raito's night. XD It's really damn hilarious -> and waited for it to load.

There was pretty pics on the wall of the Jin took it. This pic is nice...kinda makes me feel like I'm in there and the weather seems nice there too. =3

And on top of this pic..the 1 with everyone grabbing the pastries...yea....Cher went to hug her aunts and uncle who just came and then they all sat them to have good old...whatever that pastry they're eating...and you can see me videoing...lols...yea...newaythe one who has blond hair Aunty Rita,next to her is her husband and is Cher's mom's brother, Uncle Ray and Cheryl and also Aunty Nat. ^^ While we were enjoying ourselves poor GM (stands 4 godmommy) and Adam working...
And do you see those two carnations? Yeah...that was mine and Cheryl's present for our mama.^^...yea the carnations were already kinda broken due to us accidentally bending it when we going into mama's car...and had to cos tape it...hahaha...<=D...Don't blame us....neway... moving on We the teens did something while waiting for our food and then our juice came! Yay! ^^ Mine was peanut butter juice....Mostly everybody had peanut butter...but 1 had mocha...think it was Jin...if I'm not mistaken.
And uh....icky gross broccoli and bean sprout and yummy mushroom and some sort of meat in our spaghetti for lunner (combination of lunch and dinner) bestest, amazing, kind and caring friends FORCE me to eat the icky wicky licky...broccoli and bean threaten me saying 'It's my b day! Eat it!' and I was muttering 'well...I told you to breaky up with that bastard,Shakira(His real name was Sathis and Shakira was his female name that we gave him) and u didn't do it...' and she was 'What did you say?' and I was smiling and saying 'Nothing Cheryl dear!' and she just rolled her eyes at me....and the other one? Well she just said this ' Sammy, that is good for you and will help make you thinner' while she gave me a glare that says 'Eat it or else...' (guess who this is and yea...they are so amazing...not)And I gulp...and just awkwardly eat the food while closed my eyes and ate them...the broccoli was okay but the bean sprout....I rather go and yeah...but I manage to eat the broccoli and the disgusting green thing that people call bean sprout...finish...
This is Aja's back....don't know why Jin took this pic...-.-u
Then I let Cher n SK online...aren't I nice? And they went friendstreing...yup...friendstre again...thanks to them...I too got yeah....forgot what I did here now...hmm....

And I saw Jin's glasses and ask her if I can wear and she said yeah and so I wore it and she said 'Nice! Let me take a pic of it' and I was like this -look below- yea....if without the glasses u could have seen my eyes smiling...even thought I was yeah....

So....we got bored downstairs and decided to play hide and seek on the floors above...yea...we're in a hotel....and we're playing hide and seek! =D.... To whoever had their stay in Tune Hotel in Penang on 16/5/2009....I hope you had a good time hearing us meddling,annoying,mad,crazy and loud kids playing....=D neway we went up to torture...I mean play on the 4th floor...Jin took this pic.Me videoing again...but I wasn't videoing 24/7...I ran out off battery when it was at night but neway back to the blog....

Isn't she gorgeous?

While on the 4th floor....I,,Sammy Shoppoplavvitchhellslingfracisco(Btw...for people who have never meet me...this isn't my real last name) have discovered the terrace! -Little cheers and applaud from people- Thank you!Thank you! -bows-...-people stop clapping and silence...somebody in the audience cough- okay...ahem...back to the story
This is the wonderful view we saw....awesome huh? I know right! ^^
This view is better and also yeah...the hotel was near Komtar...
So...we talked bout stuff and some other stuff that I have no memories about and then we got bored and started to took pics. Look at the purple sisters...Jin is the sexy one...Cher is the pretty one and SK is the cute yea...they're purple and sexy and I'm just pretty pink....=(....poor me...T.T I wanna join the purple sisters....I like the pic where Jin and the leaves's nice! ^^
Neway....Lols to my face on the top...I was either thinking or looking at the clouds...Cher is either talking to her baby boy or that son of a bitch,Darien.And so we did other things....and went back to hide and seek...It was fun and scary...yup....and then we went back down to rest cause it was starting to rain and we couldnt' go to the terrace so yeah...and then suddenly...Cher had a moody aura...which I don't know if the others had discovered or I quickly follow Cher back up that had stop yeah....only me and Cher on the 4th floor was watching her while she was being kinda seconds which felt like minutes had passes and I asked her...what was wrong and she replied to me that Raul was being late and it's about to be 7 soon...and I was I told her to go Raul but she didn't want to cause she was kinda mad and sad at him and so I was 'Want me to call?' and she nodded...and I was kinda cursing (not the bad luck way but like swearing like asshole and bastard sort of way) him....for making Cher feeling crappy and called him and then he picked up and I asked 'Hi, this is Sammy,Cheryl's friend and where are you?' and he was like ' Oh...sorry that we're late but we're stuck at Queens bay Mall traffic' and then Cher asked me to ask him what he was doing and when I asked him, he hung up on me and I was like offended. And Cher asked me what was he doing and I replied that he hung up on me and then she suddenly smiled and said never mind and I was like wha....? And she told me to turn around and I did and saw Jinger, Sze Ker, Wei Loong, Aunty Max(Raul's mother), Asha (Raul's baby sister),Ryan(Raul's pretty eyes brother) and RAUL. That sneaky bastard! He lied to us....but mostly me cause I was the one he was talking yeah....That tall dude is Raul.... and his sis and Don't know if you guys can see it or not but that lady over there is Raul's mom. And they went down and suddenly Cher got a phone call from someone to call us go down so we could cut the cake since her aunts and uncle are going to leave yeah...we all went down together...

We went down and saw the cake....cake looked awesome! ^^ and so after got everything ready. We started sing Happy Birthday song to Cheryl and Aunty Nat decided to add more nicer vibe to song and so it was like this....
Everone :Happy Birthday to you...
Aunty Nat :Screw you...
-Everyone laughs-
Everyone : Happy Birthday to you...
Aunty Nat : To you
(Cheryl:I'm dying)
Everyone including Aunty Nat : Happy Birthday to Cheryl...Happy Birthday to you

-song eneded-

So yea...this was one of the faces she made when we were singing Happy Birthday to her...lols isn't it? XD

It was tiramisu flavour and look! There's Strawberries on the cake! =D
Neway she and Asha blew the candles together...

The cake was awesome and had a little bit of alcohol in it...wait...I just realized...Asha ate that cake!o.O She's eight and she ate that cake! Omg! Underage cake eating!...But then again...she'll have alcohol when she's older anyway....This is Jinger's piece...not mine...cause I already ate mine before I could take a pic of it....And also...I use my fork or spoon to help me eat my 1st and 2nd bite. I only used the spoon on my 3rd bite...I was the fastest to eat finish my cake....XD

And later...I got bored waiting for my friends to eat finish their did some stuff...which I don't remember at all....but I remember calling Raul cause Cheryl told me to....but he was eating cake and was kinda shy to come to yeah....and then stuff happened...and some other stuff...then after my buddies ate their cake....we talked and stuff...we got bored and decided to play hide and seek....again....inviting Raul with us...and so we played and played...and ran and ran...and sweat and yeah...we were also scared too...I just realized that hide and seek's like a predetor and prey kind of game....which is scary and on our way playing on the 5th floor we discoverd...there was a room....unlocked...we open it awile and we know for sure that nobody was in that room...but we were cares kind of we play again and then went to the 7th was kinda headachey while we were there...I was the only one with a least I thought I was but again we found a room unlocked and the others didn't care about it and said just leave it...but me just being curios what the room was like....saw that it was small...seriously yeah....and then when we went into the elavator to go back to the 2nd floor...Jin said she felt headache...I didn't mention it right away...cause my head was still...well...pounding... and after like 20 seconds later I said me we went down and saw Adam leaving and other people taking over the night shift...which was June,a teenager in his 20? and the Guru(cause we don't know his name...lols),the one at the me and Cher,and Raul sat at the same table while SK,Jin and WL were at the other table...I saw Cher's mom's ex-boy...who they call lo tau...which means dad in hokkien or was it cantenese? anyway...he was never the way I picture him....he could I put it.....ugly....just plain ugly.....neway back to the story then we were bored and had a deck of cards...and then the Guru thought us plenty of gambling games like BlackJack and etc. But we didn't gamble...we just played it for fun...cause if we did...gamle....I would have been broke....yeah...cause Cheryl was on a row there...and she was winning MANY times....I only win once...T^ yeah....and the Guru even did palmistry for us! He said I'm a romantic person and will have a romantic serious relationship....And I was like awesome....and I like to spend money which was true...and some other stuff which I don't claerly remember....coz it's now 25/5/2009 n all these happened at 16/5/ yeah...Last Saturday....
Neway...the gang(Cher,Raul,Ryan,WL n Sk) went to play hide and seek again while me and Jin was downstairs playing a scary game...called Hotel 626...we weren't really playing....we actually waited for it to and Jin did other online stuff...and then we went to the toilet and took some pics....

And when we came back....that damn game still hadn't loaded finish yet...-sigh- Why are you torturing us?????!!!!
And look isn't it pretty? The wines and candle
I saw a GM took a bucket of beers for the grown ups...and I turn to Jin saying...' I want beer...' and she said 'Me too' so we got some....we got one bottle 1st and Jin poured half half to both glasses...and I drank finish my glass faster then Jin and I wanted more...and had another bottle...and yeah...we drank Tiger...
Me and Jin drinking

I had a perdition that Cheryl was gonna have the worst party ever and that it will suck so bad til she wants to cry...but I was wrong...her party didn't was the opposite of suck which was awesome and she didn't cry...well she was sad (at Raul for coming late) but didn't cry but I only got one thing right...which was the part at 'it sucks so bad til she wants to cry'...but it wasn't her...or Jin or was me...<=(...I was kinda sad while drinking in this pic -points below-.... Why?...It wasn't that the party was bad but it was the news....of Selena and Kuji being together...It hurt A LOT....I felt sad....REALLY sad that I wanted to cry...I still couldn't believe they were heart hurt a lot just thinking bout them...and so I know how they say that drinking makes everything better? didn' only made me sadder...and all I wanted to do was just cry then and there....and I told Jin and she said 'Cry if you want to,let it out...' and I was about to but THEY came I had to hold it in...and pretend to be cheery me in front of them...and Cher saw us drinking the beer and she was like 'I want beer...NOW!' and she went to her mommy and got some yeah...only the girls drank...the boys were a bunch of in total n Cher drank 2 bottles of Tiger...Jin had one glass and some sips...while SK....I forgot but it was more than Jin but less than us...
but the funny thing was...SK only had one sip and her face was bloody red! XD hahahaha.... -points down-
And few minutes later, her whole body became bloody red!-points down- And damn was she hot!No no...not the your so pretty looking hot but the temperature hot....and I was cold and hug her...ahhh....sweet sweet warmness....<3...and onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">And Jin and WL use me to go check if Ryan(Cause he's the seeker and I'm not playing) is downstairs....which he is and I asked him...where are the others? He said he doesn't know where the rest are but he only found two people which was CheRaul...-Grins- and I was like 'Oh...where are they?' and he said 'At the terrance...."talking" but do not go and disturb them' And I was like okay but knowing they were "talking" made me wanna go there more! I was feeling really KPC which means busybody in hokkien and then Jin and WL pop up...they were stupid and came down after they told me that if I don't come back up to the 5th floor it means Ryan is down there...but if he isn't there...come back up....and some more they came down....WL was an idiot and Jin followed him... and I told Jin that CheRaul was talking on the terrance and she was also oh and both us wanted to go and Ryan kept on telling us not to go but in the end he gave up cause we were that persistant...when the mibute we opened the door to the terrance, they stop "talking"...hahahaha....those two....damn....really wanted to see and took a pic of them talking but couldn't....feel sad nw...neway...we were there for like a few minutes and went back down...I don't know what happened to SK...btw....but neway later...some stuff happened and Jin and SK went to toilet and took the pic -points above- and look in this pic -points down- lols at them but aren't the couple CheRaul adorable? <3 style="text-align: left;">Then we all took a group pic which was tooken by June....yeah I know it's blurry and yes...I know I look fat here...neway after playing and talking later...we went home at 10 something and stuff...the whole gang in the pic -points above- minus Raul&Ryan went to my dad's car and went home and I discoverd that they "talked" twice!!!!!! X3 and I was squeling like a fangirl and wanted more details but have to wait for Monday to find yeah....and then talked to Selena online....very happy...and did some other stuff and yeah...that's it....TheEnd....Now go away!

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