Friday, December 18, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reply To "To The 'So Called Closed Friend' " I just read your blog and really wanna do this huh? Okay so well sure I'll explain to you...(I'm better explaining with typing than I do with voice anyway...) So yeah 1st off is

1.I didn't wanna audition in the US. I wanna use video through mail or e-mail(Like we have freaking originally planneddddddd)! And I never said to anyone else in this whole freaking universe that I would leave your Korean dream(where the fuck you get your info from? Don't type things I never say)...beside if it's 'childish'...wouldn't I be the same???? There IS a US entertainment but it's only for auditioning.

2.I didn't say that it will never happened...only said US is better cause we ACTUALLY understand the language and back then I only knew Hangkyung was the only non-Korean dude in the entertainment and that I didn't knew they would teach us Korean.

3.I AM definitely the same...duh...cause know I don't live in Korea cause I be white and nerdy but would get plastic surgery to make myself pretty and that shit but anyway back to topic. I didn't wanna go US SM entertainment... -.-u and beside I have no choice but to follow you and Kelly since both you are dead set on the Korea thing. Cause somehow my opinion doesn't matter right? Anyway I just learned that only this or last month( The transfer from US to Korea thing).

4.Wha...?I didn't know who was the one who wanted her in 1st but after I heard that Jill could replace Cheryl...I was like 'Oh my god! Really? Yay!^^' I have said I prefer Jill over that Cheryl...I don't know who pull her's either you or Kel...I forgot...I do not have your parents; permission nor do I have the right to force/tell Jill to join in since I'm not her best friend or close friend. She's from YOUR family right? And came out from YOUR mom's vagina right? And you both have the same parents so who's sister do you think she belongs to,genius?

5.I never said you CAN'T get in.With that voice of yours,do you think that they WON'T accept you? I never said I CAN...I HOPE I can but I don't think I can...and wow...what a good have ACTUALLY thought of me never getting in huh? What a great dandy andy wandy(?) friend you are! I don't have the looks and talents for it huh? And you just deny that when I asked you today in school in our such a great are YOU? I may have not awesome voice like yours...but if I train I can do better (and don't take this as I will be better than you) and my looks? I'm losing weight since from 3 months ago? And am still losing...what bout you? You have been gaining weight! One time...I was on friendster and checking at our old photos and damn girl! You used to be skinny like Kelly but now...And beside I can do some face exercise or facial massage or surgery to get rid of face fat (I know you can do that too)and I can massage and pull my nose or do surgery(Also our meaning YOU and MY nose suck only Kel is okay while Jill has the perfect nose)...Who knows maybe by the time we have to go to that audition thing...You MAY actually be fatter than me...who knows....who knows....How the fuck do you know I can't dance,huh? You ain't seen me dance is kinda like crap but if I actually learn from the cheography(dancing) teacher and memorize the move. I can be awesome?...who knows....again....And like wtf? Only KNOW how to put lemon? Girl...I put lots of things on my face...and lemon is 1 of them...and I KNOW how to draw, move, swim, breathe(cause I be dead if I don't know how to do this) and pretty much some other stuff. =_= Okay...I wash the lemon thing on my face after I put it on for 15 minutes using cold(or was it hot? I use both) water on my face so it can close...and face has lesser pimples than it has before...unlike you(cause you sleep late,you stress and eat oily food. Actually I do all those too but oily food I do sometimes eat them but not so often anymore) I don't need luck cause it IS working but still thanks for the luck anyway...

6.I can curse and wish. But if you don't believe not my problem in any way. So don't blame me like you did when you said I wish that E.B don't like you back. Wait....if you don't believe why the fucking hell did you scold me for something that you DON'T believe I can do huh? Another thing about you being a bad friend. What came true? What's the point of telling you? You don't believe I can do it so what's the point of telling you what did or did not came true? Hey...I didn't specifically wish for her mama to die....I curse her love ones(I put an 'S' cause she probably will have more "Love") to die....but I meant that in like lovey dovey love not normal love big oops on that... don't believe the shit I'm telling then don't! I'm not telling you to. And I DID use my's just that I wasn't specific enough...that's all...-_- I never said I wasn't selfish...I did said I was selfish when we had our fight of the Girl Guide Camp thing...You just forgot....My selfishness is not the reason her mom die....or was it? I don't know but I didn't want her mom her to die and yes I do want her to why is it that YOU got slapped after her mom die and not me? Anyway I never thought of that love one to die...just the other love one so I was hoping that the boyfriend she "love" dies....cause I don't know that dude and will probably hate him anyway.And you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy selfish than me...that's why nobody wanted you be leader!
Oh...everyone hates me? Girl I think you got it confuse with you! You have more people hating you than I have. The only people who hate me is you and Cheryl and probably Cheryl's gang... and maybe Ivory and KJ(cause she on yo side).

7.You're bringing Kel into this? Please bitch! I heard Kelly said that before but your I guess you deaf! She said people CLOSE to me! Not AROUND me! See the difference? Beside people who I just know like Tasha or Jojo or some other people...think nothing of me...just quiet,crazy,can see ghosts blah blah blah. They aren't pissed at me unless you told them bad things bout me. Oh did!...Well it is true cause everybody are bitches.Nobody ain't bitch. Except Shue Ru and babies...cause it's a cruel and dark world...You're even stupider than I thought I wasn't born a bitch, I was raised a bitch! See the difference again? And beside how can babies be bitches...all that know is sleep, eat, poop, cry, drool, breathe and blink. That's what they do! Cause can you imagine a baby go like " Yo bitch! You better bring me mah food or I'm gonna cry like shit til you can take no more"...That's kinda funny....Anyway so yeah....You can be born evil but not a bitch...Well you and Cheryl are bossy bitches but your not 'just' you are a 100% bossy bitch and a 67% bitch bitch and beside you both to alike that's why you get along so damn well. You both steal boys from other girls (But Cheryl gets them and you don't), you both have 'complicated' life, annoyingly loud(Cher is more than you),you guys see the hottest guys and your like "in love", you care more bout boys than you do bout friends( you more than her), bossy, act differently in front of your crushes, always choice other's side that isn't mine(when you both were my buddies and not my haters unless you were my haters while pretending being my buddeh and that's why you chose that side over mine then you both are the worst "friends" ever) and some other things I don't remember but when I do. I will type it here. I don't hate 'oh my god! what?' bitches cause I know I DO do(I'm writing on purpose not accidental) that and I hate mean bitches who thinks they're so fabulous, do whatever they want and something like mean girls. THAT is my most hate on those kind of bitches and second place go to Slutty Bitches. So don't say things that you don't know or remember!

8.Bitch, you deaf or something? actually don't remember what your friends told you cause your like "I care because?"I NEVER blame her for making my life worst...I BLAMED her cause she make me feel like crap! And I don't allow people making me feel like crap including you but exception for Kelly(Cause she's better than you) In the beginning, yes I did want her to apologize but as time grew on my hurt became hate just like water became ice cause the tears I cried became all ice and hard cold....yea...something like that but anyway so it's too late to apologize. And yea you pretty much got the "So? I don't need your apologies. As long as you don't fucking fool around like a slut with those guys, then I won't curse you" correct.Good for you! ^^

9.Oh....suuuuuuuuurrrrrrrreeeeeee you did...just like how you said that you hate Cheryl in front of my face and agreed that she IS a slut and all that bunch of bull in front of my face and your like telling Cheryl all the bad things that I said bout her behind my back. Applaud for you! Your the best! Yes you else would you be mad at me online that night?)....on the freaking blog and uh...let's see....last week....even before that(When we are still BUDDIES!!!!!!!) SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO never said my bad stuff..well too bad I found out too! I'm not the only are too! I never start bout you til I heard you said those things....and also cause you were being a total PMSing bitch last week (but I didn't know but when I did know I was like " I freaking said her bad stuff...I'm the worst friend and should have understand her blah blah blah") Two minute? Again what a god damn liar you are! Not two minutes...oh even started even when we're still buds! So add them together equals 780,079,370,000,768,634,863,000,000 minutes. So yeah there you go! So why would I wanna bad mouth you unless you did something to me 1st? Think! When you told Ting Wei that why should you RESPECT me? You don't need to respect me and you do whatever you like after you took the fan I was holding cause you were excited calling EB and when I told you to give me back, you told me to shut up and me pissed make noise in the back and you got pissed and told me to fucking leave...and then later you were like "Your like disrespecting him and not disrespecting me you know that?" but I wasn't making noise in the back so YOU can't hear HIS voice...beside he doesn't know whose calling him and he's probably just gonna think that someone is pranking him. And then like after months later, after someone disrespected you or something you were like "Uh...I hate that blah blah blah and if you respect me,I respect you"....well....I have always respected you but have you to me? just take things I was using and do whatever shit you like....And I'm not the only one who has respected you but you disrespected...there are other people too.

10.YOU had enough of ME? I (Gotta use italic or you won't know the difference) had enough of YOU! My attitude is not making anyone go away...only you! People don't like you that much either! You should hear the things people say about you! Kelly and Shanice care for me and I to them! What makes you so sure they will leave me? They have tolerance unlike you which everything you are so gross out about like we can't burp, can't be homosexual, can't be this and that! You think your such a princess! You don't care bout me at all and I thought maybe your different from Cheryl...but your talk bout me even though we WERE friends and have a little more tolerance than Cher...but other than that you both are pretty much alike (Not saying your a slut though) But even though you probably are worst than Cheryl...I pretty much would forgive you faster than I would with that Cheryl...why? Cause I may be mad at you now but I don't actually hate you...all the things I'm writing are cause stuff that you did that I get pissed off but never wanna say cause don't wanna ruin our friendship...oh yea....I don't blame others but I would if they REALLY are wrong but I would ACTUALLY admit when I AM wrong! Like:

I did curse you before when you made me pissed
I probably talk about your bad stuff before(Oh yea...I don't know I talk bout you for 3 hours but I usually talk bout 3 hours due to me and the person I'm talking to talk about random shit, Korean things and that person doing some things on the phone...btw it's not Kelly if your thinking bout's somebody you know but can't tell yeah) You never help me...if you did tell me, I would TRY to do to change anything except Cheryl and also don't be a hypocrite and tell me to let go of my feeling of hate towards her when you can't even do that to Ting Wei or Georgie...I mean me and Kelly think Georgie is okay...only YOU think he's a bad guy and I don't hate Ting Wei and you wanna go fuck her up....also LEARN YOUR MISTAKES, BITCH!

Oh yea...just read your A TOTAL BIG ASS, GAINING WEIGHT=FAT, PYRAMID NOSE WHICH SHOWS OFF YOUR BIG NOSTRILS THAT SHOWS OFF YOUR BOOGERS, DARK, DRY, OLD, WRINKLY SKIN, SCARS ALL OVER YOUR BODY, STINKY BREATHE, YELLOW TEETH, FLABBY ARMS, FAT BELLY THAT WILL GROW SOON, LOTS OF BIG ASS DANDRUFF, SMALL EYES, NO EYELIDS, STEAL BOY THAT PEOPLE LIKES, PIMPLE FUCK BITCH ASS FACE WITH A HAIRSTYLE THAT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR BOLD AT ONE SPOT, SHORT FINGERS,DOUBLE CHIN,FAT FACE, WRINKLES ON NECK, BURP THAT ACTUALLY SMELLS, PIMPLE ON YOUR NOSE THAT MAKES YOU HAVE A WITCH NOSE, SHORT,FAT THIGHS LIKE JASMINE'S AND A KNEE TO THE ANKLE PART THAT LOOKS LIKE KJ'S WHORE! WHAT BOUT I CALL YOU THAT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE HUH? Wow...I'm just a FAT, FLAT NOSE, WRINKLES ON THE CORNER OF MY EYES, FAT THIGH, FLABBY ARMS, BELLY THAT IS REDUCING EVERY 3 OR 4 DAYS, SCARS ON MY COLLARBONE AND SOME ON THE LEG AND ARM, GREY SKIN, FAT FACE, WRINKLES ON NECK , SHORT, BIG LIPS AND TOO MUCH MOLES ON MY FACE WHORE....and mine is less than yours....if I was less fat and get a nose job...I be prettier than you! Hah! And if say as if or please...we just have to wait for bout a few more months and see if I'm still uglier than you! You look like nothing like your sis...she's a beauty while your the beast but you don't turn hot and you don't become lesbian with your yeah...and you want Cher to become a slut? Wow your such a great friend to her too! ^^ Btw if you actually read careful with your ugly no eyelids small eyes you can read that deep down inside me I still care and worry bout her future....I don't love her...if I did...I forgive her by now....duh!And that I'm writing to make up(sorta) with her in a way. And btw I should tell people that YOUR A SELFISH, RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL, LIAR, GOSSIP BEHIND PEOPLE'S BACK, DUMBASS, HYPOCRITE, NON BRUSHING TEETH IN THE MORNING(That's why your breathe smells awful), BITCHY, TAKE CONTROL OF THINGS OR YOU WON'T FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT AND BOSSY BITCH! How bout that?!! Why don't YOU get a life and GROW UP?! YOU have a grudge against me right now and Ting Wei and Georgie. I only have don't be such a HYPOCRITE, YOU FAT ASS! And you'll definately end up in hell too and beside you can't ever go to me...I made sure of that! =D I never said I love hell....are you thinking bout yourself? I said I'm GONNA end up in hell...idiot...I'm not pulling Kel down....YOU just mention Kel just now upstair so I can hate her right? Well dumbass think before you type next time! I didn't ask Kel to kill her or anything beside Kel always somehow defends Cher and told me to forgive her(Which I am very slowly doing)...and if I did wrong, why would Kel go to hell? Are you that fucktard stupid? Beside Kelly is too holy and nice to go to hell (and that she will drive the Devil crazy so she can't go to hell). GET A LIFE AND DON'T READ BLOGS THAT AREN'T FOR YOU,BITCH!

Now your worse than thanks to you I'm no longer targeting Cheryl but your fat ass! =D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cheryl The Slut am I gonna start this?...Hmmm...Let's see...Cheryl used to be my best friend and all that crap and she hurt me blah blah blah and I hate her blah blah anyway um...

One time, I remember Jin asked me "Why do you still care?! She's no longer your friend anymore so don't go and be a busybody and stop calling her slut and all that!" after I just complain and bitch about how Cheryl Peh is such a slut...but after that...I never thought of it anymore til today...Why today? Cause I was bored...and that memory came back to me...Why am I still being a busybody? Why am I still thinking bout you(Cheryl) anyway?...No...I don't like you...pleases get over yourself with that...And that I realize maybe I don't hate you as much as I thought I do....maybe I'm starting to hate you a little now...but I still hate you though whenever I see your face....don't get me wrong...when I DON'T see you...I remember the good times and how you actually DID care,very generous and all that shit...I don't know why but when I see yo face up all in there like your so pretty and like so much better and boys just wanna have a go at....I mean be with you (yea that's better)...anyway you just remind me of bitches mostly from 90210,Gossip Girls(Never watch them) and all those chick films...and it makes me wanna stab your pretty face...D=< Yes...I admit you're pretty...but don't get high and mighty over it....neways...I'm always so mad when you have new boys and yet still like others pisses me off...cause this what SLUTS actually do... You are definately a bitch and so am I but I ain't a slut though...I only call you slut and gossip bout you. Hoping that it gets to your ear is because I don't want you to end up sad, lonely,like your mom(not trying to insult her) and it will ruin your future in a lot of ways...beside rumours are gonna keep spreading and soon I won't be the only one calling you a slut...

Even though I hate you...I still wanna protect you (in my own very bitchy and mean way cause I can't be nice and not tell you the truth like I use to). I wrote things on my pm cause well to see if I actually get your attention and they do! Which is hilarious cause I actually make you realize my existence and also my name is banana cause I am doesn't that ryhme? ^^ neways...yellow ain't my fav cause they are SO freaking Bright!!!!! *Sigh* Beside that's JKimisYellow's fav really have forgotten my fav is not my fav movies.... comedies ARE! Cause they are so hilarious! XD Beside...not ALL porns are my seriously the porn my dad buys totally suck except for one.... Oh yea...Somebody told me bout your blog and mentioned that you mentioned me in it...Awww...I'm flatter that you care enough to write about me. Thanks! ^^ Neway....I'm being a total bitch to you cause you do really stupid things without thinking...*sigh* what happen to your brain? And also please don't keep talking bout your in love...that's very insulting to all the people who are TRULY in love and don't cheat, like other people even though they already have LOVE ones and uh...stuff that you yeah neways... through out the whole entire day, I was thinking will I forgive you like I did with Jasmine,Jinger and some other people I don't remeber right at this moment... I hate tomorrow....and the day after that...and that but maybe I might truly forgive you and wheather you care or not and read this blog or not...Just wanna say that I may hate you now....but somewhere deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep super extremely deep inside of me I still care for you...cause if I don't look out for you...who will? And also I never got the chance to say this but I'm sorry bout your mom's death...she didn't deserve to yeah...neway if you ever read this and wanna talk to me bout it...don't....don't sms....msn.....or in that chatroom that's in this blog...just don't....cause I just get really pissed off for some reason...just tell yeah...byes! ^^

Ps.Don't ever get close to a guy that starts with J....n looks like really hot but super thin n super'll die....where I got this info is something I cannot tell you or anyone else.....

Pss.I didn't read your blog....yet....but knowing you...your gonna tell me you don't care I call you a slut right?

Have a great life! ^.^ ~

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Exam Week!!!!! >.<

Monday(18/5/2009): So was the 1st day of exam...but really didn't give a shit.... had my shower and stuff....had was pretty much in a good went to school....carried nothing but my pencil box Cheryl and talked to her...I remember I talked to her bout something but I don't know if she heard it or not....even if she did hear...she didn't care...that made me feel sad....<=(...neway on with and then we talked and SK kept asking who likes Sean....her ex boy which now belongs to KJ....and was in my class....I was like 'Uh...I have no idea' but she glare at me and told me that I knew...and I was like 'No,I don't' which was a lie...cause I clearly knew....who it was....-looks away- neway Kelly came and she was like 'It could either be you or Jinger' she said to me and I kinda panic in my head...but she being observant, noticed my behaviour had change a little and she was like Ping! A light bulb on top of her head and whispered something to Shanice and Jeslyn....this I got even more panic cause she and I know it wasn't Jinger....but I didn't show it and looked calm...I think....neway Jin came and I immediately told her bout that Kelly might know....and she was like....I actually forgot what Jin did or was it Cheryl I was talking to? I seriously forgot...neway I remember us getting away from canteen and had asked Jin and Cher(This I rememeber) to the toilet...alone...but when Kel saw them going...she followed along with Shan,Jeslyn and SK. And I was Oh great...they followed and Kel said to me 'It's you right? Am I right?Am I right?' God....wanted to punch her just to shut her up but if I did...that would have confirmed that she IS right. So yeah...all the gang went to toilet...what great joy!...Not!....then we went to directly to class without doing our attendance due to the prefect also studying for exams.... and then the class was kinda noisy until the teacher arrived and then it was time for the exam! Dum dum duuuuummmmmm!...Good old drama music to add the effect for the story =D...neway our 1st test was Bahasa Malaysia 2...I couldn't concentrate due to what ifs in my head...what if they all found out? What if one of them told him that I like him? I was panicking like hell there...and then I started thinking...should I stop talking,sms-ing n msn-ing him? and I was like Damn you Kelly...why did you have to do this to me! And I got so frustrated over the whole thing that I started crying...should I give up the one I like just to prove her wrong? I was so scared and I was crying...I cried til I fell asleep...then I don't know how many minutes have passed but it was still a long way go to I did only one section and the hell with them but then...I started heart was seriously breaking and I felt extreme coldness and fingers started to hurt cause they need to dig into something...but I don't want to dig into my skin when test finished and we were free to leave our seat I quickly wipe off my tears and hope that it wasn't obvious and went to Jinger...but Jin was like in a non caring mood. So I thought that me had just cried was not so obvious. So I follow her into the toilet...while she did her thing...I looked in the mirror and I looked like a wreck and use water to wash my face and I couldn't help but kept blaming Kelly again and again and how I wish something had happened to her so she wouldn't be able to talk ever again...but once I washed and wiped...I look myself in the mirror...I felt the pain in my heart...again...and so I was tearing up again but when Jin came out...I quickly blink back my tears... and so we went out and she wanted to eat and I waited for Cheryl...and I waited for Cheryl for a long time...then got tired and just went get her but when she saw me...she said' Why are you crying?' By then I started tearing up again...I couldn't found my words which strain my throat which made me wanted to cry more...but then little Miss Cheryl got impatient and started to swear at me saying 'You better fucking tell me why you're fucking crying before I get fucking impatient!' Then I stopped walking to the canteen while she still walked and I quickly went to the garden while going there, I met with Joanne and she asked me what was wrong and I just told her I was sick til I started to cry...that was not a lie....but my sick was the not like coughing cold kind of sick but sick of having friends who didn't give a bull about me. Once I was at the garden, I started crying really HARD...this time it wasn't just cause I was frustrated but it was cause of Cheryl being uncaring and insensitive...I didn't rush you to tell me what happened when you cry...I didn't scold at you when you were hurt...I didn't swear at you when your life was feeling like it was about to fall apart but I waited...waited for you...waited til you found the right words to say to me...all your pain...all your sadness...all your frustration...I would be there to listen and to care...even if I couldn't change the things that has happened or help you...I would at least be there for you...but don't were care about your yourself...and it pained me a I've said...once I've seen your tears...I don't ever want to see them again but your smiling face...that goes to all of you who are the closest to me: Jinger,Kelly,Cheryl,Jeslyn,Sze Ker and some more...but I don't want people like Shanice or KJ to "comfort" me...their comfort just make me yeah back to the story...after I was done crying...I left the garden and back to class and just like I expected the gang haven't came back yet and are still eating...-sigh- then Shue Ru saw me crying and she asked me why was I crying...Like Joanne's answer I told her I was sick and had tummy ache....Lie....and so I went to look out the window and saw them coming...I quickly ran away and went outside....the other way...I only ran from them was cause I didn't want to look or face Cher...after the crappy way she treated me...and by that time...I didn't want to tell her anything...but I wanted to tell someone about the reason I was crying so I went to Jasmine...and I asked her to come out of her class and she immediately rush to my side seeing my tears streaked I couldn't told her half the story but her teacher she went back inside and then I had to face them now...and so I talked to Cheryl and suddenly out of nowhere these hands were around my neck hugging me behind my back and I kinda screamed and it was Shanice and she said 'They said you have been crying' and at this point I got pissed...How dare she go and tell them I'm crying after the crappy way she treated me??!!!!! (but then again even if she didn't tell them...they would still know...-.-u...but still don't want her to tell...very KPC aka busybody) then it was test again...this time yeah I just simply do....and then started to cry again....(I'm a big cry baby) neway after test was done....went to talk to Jin and I asked her did you know I cry and she said yeah and said she already knew when we went to the toilet and I also have decided to tell Kelly that I do like...him...-blush- and she was like 'yay...uh huh I'm right' and Me and Jinger told her it's actually a secret and she was like gasped and quickly fixed the damage she sorta done...and all that time...I was scared for nothing....and I was glad that I told her...and quickly took back what I wish bout her and something happen to her voice....I feel really happy to have Kelly...neway....then test again...English Part 1 which was like easy for me and I felt so much better and I smiled all the way through the ended after we have done our test and so I went and have my shower and dinner and went to tuition. Zhenyi didn't came so I was scraed of being left out again....but Sze Ker sat next to me and talked to me about stuff and asked who is the person that like Sean and while sms-ing Selena....she found out that Selena is Sean so have to lied that my dad checks my phone and had to change Sean's name into a girl's name and I told her that was another Selena...and I quickly put my mom's phone number and put her name as Selena and saved it and showed it to SK...and SK still wasn't that yeah....we gossiped bout him,KJ and something bout friendster...about how KJ changed all of Sean's friendster into the way it was yeah...then Sean sms her and begged her for a 2nd chance and SK said he was still on with KJ so Sean immediatey broke up with KJ...(I feel sorry for her cause she started to like the guy and the guy just broke up with he rin just 3 days....lols) then...yea....Even though SK forgave Sean, he thought they were together again and started to call her wifey....but she sms him saying...just cause I forgave you doesn't mean we're on and I was like...-.-u...lols to Sean so yeah...Byes....

Tuesday(19/5/2009):So yeah...nothing much here....test of the day:Mathematics 1,Chinese 1 n 2
That was short...-.-u

Wednesday(20/5/2009):Okay....also um...don't know what to say here...Me and Cheryl said something til I told her to fuck you...and she was like fuck me and so yeah...I ended losing in that argument...-.-u and so yeah....the gang:Shanice,Sze Ker and Jeslyn and someone else I don't remember...started gossip bout me whether if I really like Sean or not...Damn you Kelly...wish you were not a loud mouth and dumber....then yeah...test of the day was:Mathematics 2,Gym(paper not doing activities) and Geography so yeah...I also found out that Jeslyn does knows....about my crush for SK's boy and also Sean and SK are back on...I'm 45%happy and 65% sad...but if he's happy I don't care... neway...Jeslyn knows thanks to Jasmine....I was about to cry...yes I did felt anger but I didn't had the energy to have an argument with her and this was her 10th betrayal to me...I feel so stupid and naive thinking that she had changed and that she really does cherish our now I don't want anything to do with her anymore....

Thursday(21/5/2009): I have a thought...the next time she(Cheryl) tells me to fuck her after I said fuck you....I'm seriously gonna push her to a wall and kissed her which will lead to our "fucking" and lets see if she will still say go right ahead and fuck her....XD neway...test of the day: Science(Omg! So bloody scared like shit! Please pass), English part 2 and Bahasa Malaysia 2. So today Neway...I gave up...and I told everyone that I DO like Sean....I hope all of you are happy....=_= neway...Sze Ker was calm when I told her and btw...she called Sean and told him that I like him...but that was before I told her....-.-....kinda a bitch in a way...neway...that's all I remember....end

Friday(22/5/2009): Don't really remember anything..but tests of the day: Art and Moral. Neway drew a pic of four mugs...I drew one smiling smilie and an emo smilie...and put 'A smile a day makes the emo go away'....lols....yeah...neway drew another mug with two people drinking and wrote 'BEER TIME!' yeah....and also KJ finally returned me my money...RM1O5...yays? Neway I feel pity for KJ...I really do...among our gang...I'm the kindest and quietest...and the most mental one...-akward laugh-...yeah...

Monday(25/5/2009):So...slept at 5a.m. in the morning...woke up cause Jasmine's delivery came to my house and then slept again and woke again at 11.26a.m. and then quicly got ready for was sick...poor dad...neway went to school...made Cher pissed...It's so easy to make her pissed...why did I make her pissed? Tell you in my next Blog...neway....she got so mad that she left...then I talked to KJ n Rani and then went to study hall and saw Shan,Kel and Hoi Ley and hang and talked with them....told Shan she should use sunsilk....the orange coloyr one.... and Kel said that I'm peli Shan...and I was like what the hell is peli? yeah...then stuff happened and we went to canteen and I think Cheryl has cool down cause she touch my long side burn...and SK kept calling me to go to a camp....that I don't know if I wanna yeah....then Jin came and we talked about stuff then went to test of the day was: History and yeah....while doing test, my stomach kept grumbling...cause didn't had breakfast and yeah...neway...I smiled a lot cause I kept think about him....-blush- and then recess and went to toilet with Jin then went to canteen after that. I had Keow Tiao Teng... and kinda sat alone...but then Cze Ying joined me....why is there always almost no place for me to sit....neway talked to Cze Ying and she was the last to know about my crush for Sean...yeah...neway...stuff happen and then my friends compare me with SK. Example: I'm much darker,SK is less fatter than me,I'm short,SK will have non perfect teeth(Coz I have braces) and the list goes on. So yeah then test again and then it's back to good old boring classes again...what joy....-rolled eyes- neway it was Geography and Maths and I got 18 over 40 for my Maths 1. Don't remember my Geography yeah...went home....did onlining....then shower and ate the noodle my sister COOKED!!!! She's only 8 and here she is cooking 4 the family...=.= and then went still hadn't came back from KL....but will soon....then at tuition...SK purposely gossiped about Zhenyi and I kinda sms Sean and I showed SK the sms....I begged her to not make him feel like crap....and asked her does she care for Sean and she says she doesn't know....I just comforted him...poor guy....saying things like: Don't be sad, It's not that she doesn't care...she's just busy and stuff like that and so made me feel sad cause he was sad...<=(... wish SK won't do this to him....then yeah came home and quickly blog and it's 2 something in the morning...and just check myself in the mirror and damn...I have really DARK bags under my eyes and my skin i unheatly looking so yea...gonna sleep now...Byes...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today bought stufffffffffffffssssssssssssssss!!!!!! And other randomness! X3

Okay...I woke up at somewhere around something...and talked to Selena...-fangirl sigh- and then went shower and stuff like that and today was family day so went to this place-points down- (beside new world park) to eat and so I order fried rice and carrot juice...then the guy made my order wrong and I couldn't change it cause my dad had took some stuff out of my food...great...just great...and I was stubborn and wouldn't eat the damn fried rice and I had this whole glare sour face on...then minutes passed and my parents gave up and said I could go order again and gave my unwanted friend rice to my brother and sister to share and so I order wan tan mee...well at least the person got my food right...and so after eating finished. I was the 1st person to reach to the car...and see those two in the pic? Yeah...that's my dad n brother...and while waiting for mom to hurry up...(she was ordering food for my grandparents and my third aunt) my dad commented...on my outfit saying 'How can you be a designer? You wear a slut'...Apparently no matter how many times I have explain to this man...he still doesn't know the meaning of what slutty outfits look like...And I said 'Dad,this is not slut! Slut is more like revealing and almost showing off the inappropriate body parts and I'm almost wearing like a boy! And also just because I wear this doesn't not make me a designer. It just shows that I'm cold...'Lols....yeah....people who have met me in person...guess what I was wearing...yes...the green jacket and jeans....again...yup...

Don't what the hell my dad did...but it pissed Kelly off and made her beat him! XD

Lols at this -points down- XD

Dude! That is one big ass of a dandruff! And told my bro about it and help him took it off his hair and showed to him....

My sis was going for a bling bling gangsta pose....why she was doing gangsta? It's cause of her bling which was that necklace on her neck...yea...cause of that...she think she's gangsta...=.=
Then when mommy dear came, we decided to look around new world world park...Ohh!!! Wigs!
And kiddy rides! What fun!
This section looks nice
Ohhhh!!!! It was so pretty,girly and pink that it drove me and my sister in there and the rest of the family member had no choice but to followed us...

Look at all the stuff toys!
Whooo...Ahhh!!!! Bowwas....I think that's how they spell right?

Hello Kitties bags!

Small size cushion...only for NOT humans! =D what joy!

Pretty flowers!

This made me think of CheRaul....if you're reading this,Cher....lols....

This is just too cute! ^^

This again makes me think of CheRaul...again...XD

Look! A doggy pillow!
A bunch of pillows...made me wanna sleep and hug them...=_=ZzZzZz this smilie was suppose 2 have a smile but oh well...

Cool mic!

A mermaid statue! X3
Lookie! A shrek plushie!

A bunch of kitties...damn I want REAL kitties! T_T

Bunch of Stitch merchandise

Lols 2 my bro's,banana's n THAT thing's faces! XD but I like the banana better! XD

Aren't they cute? =3

Pikachu,Cookie Monster, 2 Bart Simpsons and Homer Simpson was grabbed by the ear by my sis...lols....

Chips and Dales!

That thing below Patrick the star is creepy...damn Lilo...why you gotta make something si creepy looking? Neway looks like he's humping her....XD

Bunch of purses!

Bunch of pink bags and white cap

More bags...

Even MORE bags!

Hey it's Doremon!...why does it make me think of Doreen?

Nicey snow globs...want them! X(

Cool wing!

And then I saw these photo albums...they look nice...^^ but can only choose I ask my trusty (feminine...metro sexual[for those who do not know what this means gay but don't like boys]) brother and he said :'If I was a girl, I would chose the pink' and I was' Why pink and not green? I thought you like green?' and he was 'I said IF I was a girl...I go for the pink' -he started to look gay at this part which I lol- I was 'What about red? It had love and stuff...' and he was 'Nah...I like pink better cause it's more girly'...then I burst out laughing ' are SO gay' and he was like 'Shut up...' and walked away so I looked at the boxes...the green was nice but it was already kind of I looked at the pink...and I reliaze it was more for newborn baby girls photo kind of album and so I look at the was too much hearts on it....
So in the end, I chose red...cause this was better than the other two
And look you guys! I bought the pink wing! Yay! ^^ I did a lot of convincing but I got it in the end! ^^

Lols look at my sis...she's kind of moody...but there's a reason for it

Awww...look at her....isn't she cute? Just glaring at the camera? =3

She started to tear at this point...wanna know why? Cause dad didn't bought her a wrapping paper to wrap her present for her b-day present for her friend but the truth is....
It was already sister was just plain retarded...=.= she wanted to wrap it again and suprise her friend that it was a present with another present in it!Just like that indonesia lady who gave birth to a baby which had another baby inside it! Yeah....that was creepy....but I have no idea what's inside cause my sis wouldn't tell me due to her crappy yeah...
Oh! Look what a tall building!

Went to 3rd aunt's place

Mom talking to 3rd Aunt

Mom giving 3rd aunt something...

Mom explaining about why Kelly is being in a crappy mood...Look at Kel's face! XD

She was trying to reach for daddy

At this point...she started to beat dad....

Lols to my dad's face! XD this was after my sister had swear A BUNCH of bad little words that little kids like her should not have used....and my dad slapped her after that....which caused her to this crying face

We passed by Tenby International School...
Like the clouds

Awesome view

Even awesomer view


My mom bribe my sis RM2 to shut up...lols...did it work?, it did not...
Yeah we went to Gurney Plaza
My mom hugged my sis and hope she would shut up...but that also didn't work
Lols...what the hell is Daniel doing? -Raises one eyebrow-

Bunch of cars....I also have come to a conclusion that people can high jack a car here...cause well since people are shopping in the mall and well there's a bunch of cars to chose from...There's a BMWs, Hondas,KIAs and bunch of other cars that I have no idea what the hell they're names are! =D n Danny boy had to dragged her out of the car...I grabbed her leg and Dan grabbed her hands but only managed to make her sit upright and then I carry her out...and Damn was she heavy...she kinda sprain my arm...but we manage to got her out....and my mom was being a bitch with a stick up her ass and she was like 'Don't drag your sis!' I mean what else do you want us to do huh? There was no other option and we didn't see you do anything your words are pointless to Kelly the Cry mom is always a bitch...she can talk the talk but can't do the walk...

My mom comforting and pleading my sis to go....but she was stubborn and stood there while me,Dan and dad went inside the cold sweet Gurney...
They took the stairs cause Kel didn't wanna be near dad and then we went to the place where they sell some sort of bread flavor corn my dad,bro and sis love...
Apparently Danny boy has no neck due to him having a big ass chin....yup....I kept teasing him bout it and we talked until to Crimson Chin from the FairyOddParents...lols....
So we went to Reject Shop....I try on lots of clothes....and was kinda embrassed when my dad mentioned...go and buy bra...we were trying to find a sports bra....but sadly it was not big enough and it did not stop my boobs from bouncing...T^T...wish my boobs are the same size as my friends....but they're yeah...I bought 3 knee length shorts and 3 pajama pants and a bunch of shirts...
My dad was 3rd in line....when we got there...
Then we went to Popular bookstore...cause there was where my brother had went....and we went to the CDs and DVDs section....bunch of animes and I ran to it...Oh sweet sweet animes! <3
Yeah I know the name of this anime...but for some reason...the website wouldn't let me put you just have to see the name of the cover on this DVD
Soul eater! Haven't watch it but will soon...Soul(the guy with the white hair) and Death the kidd(the guy with the black and white hair) are soooooooooooo hawt! X3

Bleach!!!!!! My fav! Even fav than Naruto....-gasp from my friends-....None of my friends from group(CCF) like Bleach...I feel so sad...that means I can't cosplay bleach....T^ guys are so cruel....I watch and try to get interested in UR animes! Why don't you try mine?!....Actually Jin watched a few episodes and has hated it....T^T...I seriously feel sad....seriously...I'm starting to love Rangiku and have an anime girl crush on her....and Gin! You are so hawwwwwttttt!!!! X3...Damn both of them are hot....they make an awesome couple....

Look! Code Gease! =3 Wanted to buy...but didn't knew which one to buy...-sigh- so didn't bought it in the end....I wanna watch but my friend,Kelly...No...not my cry baby bitch of a sister,Kelly...but my crazy, wacko, fun, cute, flawless skin friend,Kelly wouldn't lend it to me.... T^T What got me inspired to wanna watch this? It was cause Cappy's pm mentioning that Viva La Vida by coldplay suit Code Gease and went to youtube to watch the amv...and it was awesome and also saw FDP cosplay yeah....pretty much interested...if I don't get to watch soon...I'll get bored and never watch it....ever....
Neway...OHS! Yay!What a pretty cover...

Fruit Basket...for some friends choose Yuki...but I choose Kyo...maybe cause I like cats?Nah...I think Kyo is hotter than Yuki...

SAYUKI RELOAD!Kyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaa!!!!XD I think they or Beyblade were the 1st anime I watch but neway....they are all so hot! At least in this version of something about going to the west thing story, Hakkai doesn't look like a pig...(he's the reason why I like brown hair and green eyes <3)>
I'm starting to get bored watching barbie movies now...and also cause the drawing look like crap....and I'm just lazy to collect the barbie CDs anyway....
Avatar!!!! <3....i style="text-align: center;">Sasuke!!!!!!!(Yeah....they're showing the new naruto movie.Naruto Shippuden 2:The Bond

Orochimaru is so hot!!!! If only he wasn't label as Anime version of Micheal Jackson...=.=
There were way funnier scenes but I missed it due to stupid zoom in thing on my camera....
My bro was asking me if the person with the red hair that they were travelling with is a girl or boy? And I told him that it's a girl cause she disguised herself for some reason as a boy and that she has a crush on her sensei who is actually old and evil....
Twilight! Awwww...that light blocked Bella....but then again....nobody cares bout her....the fangirls just like looking at the gorgeous Edward Cullen...lols XD

Look! Its David Archuleta! But I'm not a fan...just took a pic of him for a friend who I think will never read my blog...(I'm talking bout Shanice if you people haven't figured out yet)
Look! I got a Kai DS cover which I will probaly never use coz I don't wanna ruin it cause it's too precious! X3 Kai!!!! -fangirl scream-
Look! The Bladebreakers! =D I miss Beyblade....Damn have to wait 2010 for the new season
...but they're gonna change the characters like they did with Digimon and Pokemon...-sniff sniff- Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooossssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After shopping, we went back home and dad owes Kel a bunch of requests....lols XD
Home at last!
Waiting for gate to open
There were mushroom growing on our fence...=_=

Pretty flowers among the grass and those plant thing....
So yeah...after I was done taking pics...went online to blog about yesterday event...Cher's B day then got lazy and chatted with Cappy-senpai! =3 And then chatted to Selena....and did some other online deviantart and youtube and friendster and etc....then dinner time...after dinner....back to my sweet computer...tomorrow was test but didn't bother to study...was too lazy to do and also my dad doesn't care if I fail it so yay for me...but I can't fail English and Science...I had no problems with English...and Science was on yeah...then sleep now...Byes!