Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cheryl The Slut

So...how am I gonna start this?...Hmmm...Let's see...Cheryl used to be my best friend and all that crap and she hurt me blah blah blah and I hate her blah blah blah...so anyway um...

One time, I remember Jin asked me "Why do you still care?! She's no longer your friend anymore so don't go and be a busybody and stop calling her slut and all that!" after I just complain and bitch about how Cheryl Peh is such a slut...but after that...I never thought of it anymore til today...Why today? Cause I was bored...and that memory came back to me...Why am I still being a busybody? Why am I still thinking bout you(Cheryl) anyway?...No...I don't like you...pleases get over yourself with that...And that I realize maybe I don't hate you as much as I thought I do....maybe I'm starting to hate you a little now...but I still hate you though whenever I see your face....don't get me wrong...when I DON'T see you...I remember the good times and how you actually DID care,very generous and all that shit...I don't know why but when I see yo face up all in there like your so pretty and like so much better and boys just wanna have a go at....I mean be with you (yea that's better)...anyway you just remind me of bitches mostly from 90210,Gossip Girls(Never watch them) and all those chick films...and it makes me wanna stab your pretty face...D=< Yes...I admit you're pretty...but don't get high and mighty over it....neways...I'm always so mad when you have new boys and yet still like others pisses me off...cause this what SLUTS actually do... You are definately a bitch and so am I but I ain't a slut though...I only call you slut and gossip bout you. Hoping that it gets to your ear is because I don't want you to end up sad, lonely,like your mom(not trying to insult her) and it will ruin your future in a lot of ways...beside rumours are gonna keep spreading and soon I won't be the only one calling you a slut...

Even though I hate you...I still wanna protect you (in my own very bitchy and mean way cause I can't be nice and not tell you the truth like I use to). I wrote things on my pm cause well to see if I actually get your attention and they do! Which is hilarious cause I actually make you realize my existence and also my name is banana cause I am Amanda...now doesn't that ryhme? ^^ neways...yellow ain't my fav cause they are SO freaking Bright!!!!! *Sigh* Beside that's JKimisYellow's fav colour...my God...you really have forgotten my fav colour...porn is not my fav movies.... comedies ARE! Cause they are so hilarious! XD Beside...not ALL porns are my fav....like seriously the porn my dad buys totally suck except for one.... Oh yea...Somebody told me bout your blog and mentioned that you mentioned me in it...Awww...I'm flatter that you care enough to write about me. Thanks! ^^ Neway....I'm being a total bitch to you cause you do really stupid things without thinking...*sigh* what happen to your brain? And also please don't keep talking bout your in love...that's very insulting to all the people who are TRULY in love and don't cheat, like other people even though they already have LOVE ones and uh...stuff that you do...so yeah neways... through out the whole entire day, I was thinking will I forgive you like I did with Jasmine,Jinger and some other people I don't remeber right at this moment... I hate you..........now....and tomorrow....and the day after that...and that but maybe I might truly forgive you and wheather you care or not and read this blog or not...Just wanna say that I may hate you now....but somewhere deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep super extremely deep inside of me I still care for you...cause if I don't look out for you...who will? And also I never got the chance to say this but I'm sorry bout your mom's death...she didn't deserve to die...so yeah...neway if you ever read this and wanna talk to me bout it...don't....don't sms....msn.....or in that chatroom that's in this blog...just don't....cause I just get really pissed off for some reason...just tell Kel....so yeah...byes! ^^

Ps.Don't ever get close to a guy that starts with J....n looks like really hot but super thin n super pale...trust me...you'll die....where I got this info is something I cannot tell you or anyone else.....

Pss.I didn't read your blog....yet....but knowing you...your gonna tell me you don't care I call you a slut right?

Have a great life! ^.^ ~

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