Wednesday, May 26, 2010 an update...yay?

This is the summary version of what has happen to me so here goes...switched school...made new awesome friends who does not make me depress and feel shitty....had a crush on a metro dude who does not think he's metro and thinks he's 'normal'....yea...'normal'....has a new best friend...found a clique to hang with...met Gary who told the metro I have a crush on and manage to make metro dude be my buddeh...met this other dude known as 'Gigalo' and have a sexual feeling for him...torn between him n the more feelings for metro....can't stop obsessing with Gigalo! >.< Then have feelings for tub-o-lard...damn....found out am attracted to guys with high nose, dark...not tan but dark skin and for some strange reason...good with kids even though I don't wanna have kids...=x....neway...attracted with 1 of my dude buds...damn but don't becoming more sluttier n sluttier... n hair is growing long enough 2 be put in a ponytail...yay! n is just being epic 4 yea....n also I've finally lost my 1st kiss n I have only kiss 3 girls so far....never kiss a dude...not even yea...I told that 2 a friend n he call me a lesbo...lols...oh well...that's life 4 yea gotta go now,Byes!

To That Special Friend

Friends…we have many of them…we have true ones…we have those who would hurt and abandon us…those who would use us….those we call “friends” though they don’t really deserve that title. I have many friends but only a few that stood out as true. This topic is dedicated to that one friend who I miss sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and I just want to be in her life and to be with her through the thick and thin but…sadly I’m not there and it kills me sometimes to the point I start crying from guilt.

I remember how I had wanted to be your one and only best friend so much but you already had another, it took awhile before I was what I wanted to be…It was when we were 8, I think? Before you truly accepted me and stop thinking I was a nuisance. We were always together since then but when we were 10, you were smart while I was the total opposite and you got to go ahead of me while I was behind….REALLY behind….-laughs- but we had promise to always meet during break and we did. But at the age, I was rebellious against my mom and thus I didn’t want to study <=[ which was sad cause I was too stupid to not realize that if I had study and became smarter, I could have been with you. <=/

At the age of 11, we were almost close because your class was in front of mine and I was very happy when I knew. And I would wait for you when we had to go for break or vice versa but one day, I got lonely in class and decided to make another friend…but the sad thing was you both never got along due to a bad event…<=/ At age 12, we had break but then we stop having break together at half of the year cause I was torn in between you and that other friend. But one day, that friend betrayed me and you were there to help me and make me feel better and I realize you really ARE my true friend.

Then it was time for high school, we TRY to have breaks together but…again you try to do a lot of things and I end up having go to other people and…then we weren’t as close as I want to be. And thinking that I had wasted some of my time on people who end up hurting me so much and wasted energy to be a good friend to was just pointless….when I could have been yours and make your day at least a bit brighter if I knew you had a crappy day.

But this year, when we’re both 15…I had to change school….not because I wouldn’t consider about at least trying to study harder but because of that place has way too many people who I just don’t really give a damn or thought about and I guess you could say I loathe some of them…but before I left…I’m glad I get to spend my last few days with you…(sounds like I’m dying…but oh well). When we were young, you were the funny, charming and confident one while I was the shy one where I just wish I was you…maybe that’s why I wanted YOU to be my friend and no one else…but right now…we’re both completely different than how we were back then…I guess we maybe switch personality? Nah, cause I know you’re still funny but not as wacko as much as you were when you were young, while I had your wacko-ness now. Haha. =]

I ALWAYS read your blog…post at least something REALLY happy that happen to you every once in a while…cause Sammy wants at least know that her Nut Nut’s life doesn’t suck THAT much and could be relief a bit at least. =] And if there was a reason to ever go back to that school…it wouldn’t be for anyone else BUT you. You and only you cause that’s how much YOU mean to ME! Even if those other “friends” doesn’t care and wants to leave you…I’ll be the only one who wouldn’t because you stuck by me when I completely lost ALL of my other friends. And don’t diet TOO much cause Sammy would be VERY VERY VERY VERY sad if Nut has to end up in the hospital with a drip on her…<=( <- this proves how sad I be…yea….and also best of luck in your test and also how much does that phone cost? Cause I remember I had not given you a b day present for this year…Neway….Love ya babe and STAY alive and at least eat fruits if ya don’t wanna eat anything else….they help your skin too…did ya know that? =D


Sammy ;]

Deciding on re-write

Guess what? Like the title says I'm gonna start writing in my blog again! For those who care...good for you...those who don't....why are you even reading this? Just go away. Neway a friend requested I should so yea....neway hope you're happy [you know who you are] so yea....