Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reply To "To The 'So Called Closed Friend' " I just read your blog and really wanna do this huh? Okay so well sure I'll explain to you...(I'm better explaining with typing than I do with voice anyway...) So yeah 1st off is

1.I didn't wanna audition in the US. I wanna use video through mail or e-mail(Like we have freaking originally planneddddddd)! And I never said to anyone else in this whole freaking universe that I would leave your Korean dream(where the fuck you get your info from? Don't type things I never say)...beside if it's 'childish'...wouldn't I be the same???? There IS a US entertainment but it's only for auditioning.

2.I didn't say that it will never happened...only said US is better cause we ACTUALLY understand the language and back then I only knew Hangkyung was the only non-Korean dude in the entertainment and that I didn't knew they would teach us Korean.

3.I AM definitely the same...duh...cause know I don't live in Korea cause I be white and nerdy but would get plastic surgery to make myself pretty and that shit but anyway back to topic. I didn't wanna go US SM entertainment... -.-u and beside I have no choice but to follow you and Kelly since both you are dead set on the Korea thing. Cause somehow my opinion doesn't matter right? Anyway I just learned that only this or last month( The transfer from US to Korea thing).

4.Wha...?I didn't know who was the one who wanted her in 1st but after I heard that Jill could replace Cheryl...I was like 'Oh my god! Really? Yay!^^' I have said I prefer Jill over that Cheryl...I don't know who pull her's either you or Kel...I forgot...I do not have your parents; permission nor do I have the right to force/tell Jill to join in since I'm not her best friend or close friend. She's from YOUR family right? And came out from YOUR mom's vagina right? And you both have the same parents so who's sister do you think she belongs to,genius?

5.I never said you CAN'T get in.With that voice of yours,do you think that they WON'T accept you? I never said I CAN...I HOPE I can but I don't think I can...and wow...what a good have ACTUALLY thought of me never getting in huh? What a great dandy andy wandy(?) friend you are! I don't have the looks and talents for it huh? And you just deny that when I asked you today in school in our such a great are YOU? I may have not awesome voice like yours...but if I train I can do better (and don't take this as I will be better than you) and my looks? I'm losing weight since from 3 months ago? And am still losing...what bout you? You have been gaining weight! One time...I was on friendster and checking at our old photos and damn girl! You used to be skinny like Kelly but now...And beside I can do some face exercise or facial massage or surgery to get rid of face fat (I know you can do that too)and I can massage and pull my nose or do surgery(Also our meaning YOU and MY nose suck only Kel is okay while Jill has the perfect nose)...Who knows maybe by the time we have to go to that audition thing...You MAY actually be fatter than me...who knows....who knows....How the fuck do you know I can't dance,huh? You ain't seen me dance is kinda like crap but if I actually learn from the cheography(dancing) teacher and memorize the move. I can be awesome?...who knows....again....And like wtf? Only KNOW how to put lemon? Girl...I put lots of things on my face...and lemon is 1 of them...and I KNOW how to draw, move, swim, breathe(cause I be dead if I don't know how to do this) and pretty much some other stuff. =_= Okay...I wash the lemon thing on my face after I put it on for 15 minutes using cold(or was it hot? I use both) water on my face so it can close...and face has lesser pimples than it has before...unlike you(cause you sleep late,you stress and eat oily food. Actually I do all those too but oily food I do sometimes eat them but not so often anymore) I don't need luck cause it IS working but still thanks for the luck anyway...

6.I can curse and wish. But if you don't believe not my problem in any way. So don't blame me like you did when you said I wish that E.B don't like you back. Wait....if you don't believe why the fucking hell did you scold me for something that you DON'T believe I can do huh? Another thing about you being a bad friend. What came true? What's the point of telling you? You don't believe I can do it so what's the point of telling you what did or did not came true? Hey...I didn't specifically wish for her mama to die....I curse her love ones(I put an 'S' cause she probably will have more "Love") to die....but I meant that in like lovey dovey love not normal love big oops on that... don't believe the shit I'm telling then don't! I'm not telling you to. And I DID use my's just that I wasn't specific enough...that's all...-_- I never said I wasn't selfish...I did said I was selfish when we had our fight of the Girl Guide Camp thing...You just forgot....My selfishness is not the reason her mom die....or was it? I don't know but I didn't want her mom her to die and yes I do want her to why is it that YOU got slapped after her mom die and not me? Anyway I never thought of that love one to die...just the other love one so I was hoping that the boyfriend she "love" dies....cause I don't know that dude and will probably hate him anyway.And you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy selfish than me...that's why nobody wanted you be leader!
Oh...everyone hates me? Girl I think you got it confuse with you! You have more people hating you than I have. The only people who hate me is you and Cheryl and probably Cheryl's gang... and maybe Ivory and KJ(cause she on yo side).

7.You're bringing Kel into this? Please bitch! I heard Kelly said that before but your I guess you deaf! She said people CLOSE to me! Not AROUND me! See the difference? Beside people who I just know like Tasha or Jojo or some other people...think nothing of me...just quiet,crazy,can see ghosts blah blah blah. They aren't pissed at me unless you told them bad things bout me. Oh did!...Well it is true cause everybody are bitches.Nobody ain't bitch. Except Shue Ru and babies...cause it's a cruel and dark world...You're even stupider than I thought I wasn't born a bitch, I was raised a bitch! See the difference again? And beside how can babies be bitches...all that know is sleep, eat, poop, cry, drool, breathe and blink. That's what they do! Cause can you imagine a baby go like " Yo bitch! You better bring me mah food or I'm gonna cry like shit til you can take no more"...That's kinda funny....Anyway so yeah....You can be born evil but not a bitch...Well you and Cheryl are bossy bitches but your not 'just' you are a 100% bossy bitch and a 67% bitch bitch and beside you both to alike that's why you get along so damn well. You both steal boys from other girls (But Cheryl gets them and you don't), you both have 'complicated' life, annoyingly loud(Cher is more than you),you guys see the hottest guys and your like "in love", you care more bout boys than you do bout friends( you more than her), bossy, act differently in front of your crushes, always choice other's side that isn't mine(when you both were my buddies and not my haters unless you were my haters while pretending being my buddeh and that's why you chose that side over mine then you both are the worst "friends" ever) and some other things I don't remember but when I do. I will type it here. I don't hate 'oh my god! what?' bitches cause I know I DO do(I'm writing on purpose not accidental) that and I hate mean bitches who thinks they're so fabulous, do whatever they want and something like mean girls. THAT is my most hate on those kind of bitches and second place go to Slutty Bitches. So don't say things that you don't know or remember!

8.Bitch, you deaf or something? actually don't remember what your friends told you cause your like "I care because?"I NEVER blame her for making my life worst...I BLAMED her cause she make me feel like crap! And I don't allow people making me feel like crap including you but exception for Kelly(Cause she's better than you) In the beginning, yes I did want her to apologize but as time grew on my hurt became hate just like water became ice cause the tears I cried became all ice and hard cold....yea...something like that but anyway so it's too late to apologize. And yea you pretty much got the "So? I don't need your apologies. As long as you don't fucking fool around like a slut with those guys, then I won't curse you" correct.Good for you! ^^

9.Oh....suuuuuuuuurrrrrrrreeeeeee you did...just like how you said that you hate Cheryl in front of my face and agreed that she IS a slut and all that bunch of bull in front of my face and your like telling Cheryl all the bad things that I said bout her behind my back. Applaud for you! Your the best! Yes you else would you be mad at me online that night?)....on the freaking blog and uh...let's see....last week....even before that(When we are still BUDDIES!!!!!!!) SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO never said my bad stuff..well too bad I found out too! I'm not the only are too! I never start bout you til I heard you said those things....and also cause you were being a total PMSing bitch last week (but I didn't know but when I did know I was like " I freaking said her bad stuff...I'm the worst friend and should have understand her blah blah blah") Two minute? Again what a god damn liar you are! Not two minutes...oh even started even when we're still buds! So add them together equals 780,079,370,000,768,634,863,000,000 minutes. So yeah there you go! So why would I wanna bad mouth you unless you did something to me 1st? Think! When you told Ting Wei that why should you RESPECT me? You don't need to respect me and you do whatever you like after you took the fan I was holding cause you were excited calling EB and when I told you to give me back, you told me to shut up and me pissed make noise in the back and you got pissed and told me to fucking leave...and then later you were like "Your like disrespecting him and not disrespecting me you know that?" but I wasn't making noise in the back so YOU can't hear HIS voice...beside he doesn't know whose calling him and he's probably just gonna think that someone is pranking him. And then like after months later, after someone disrespected you or something you were like "Uh...I hate that blah blah blah and if you respect me,I respect you"....well....I have always respected you but have you to me? just take things I was using and do whatever shit you like....And I'm not the only one who has respected you but you disrespected...there are other people too.

10.YOU had enough of ME? I (Gotta use italic or you won't know the difference) had enough of YOU! My attitude is not making anyone go away...only you! People don't like you that much either! You should hear the things people say about you! Kelly and Shanice care for me and I to them! What makes you so sure they will leave me? They have tolerance unlike you which everything you are so gross out about like we can't burp, can't be homosexual, can't be this and that! You think your such a princess! You don't care bout me at all and I thought maybe your different from Cheryl...but your talk bout me even though we WERE friends and have a little more tolerance than Cher...but other than that you both are pretty much alike (Not saying your a slut though) But even though you probably are worst than Cheryl...I pretty much would forgive you faster than I would with that Cheryl...why? Cause I may be mad at you now but I don't actually hate you...all the things I'm writing are cause stuff that you did that I get pissed off but never wanna say cause don't wanna ruin our friendship...oh yea....I don't blame others but I would if they REALLY are wrong but I would ACTUALLY admit when I AM wrong! Like:

I did curse you before when you made me pissed
I probably talk about your bad stuff before(Oh yea...I don't know I talk bout you for 3 hours but I usually talk bout 3 hours due to me and the person I'm talking to talk about random shit, Korean things and that person doing some things on the phone...btw it's not Kelly if your thinking bout's somebody you know but can't tell yeah) You never help me...if you did tell me, I would TRY to do to change anything except Cheryl and also don't be a hypocrite and tell me to let go of my feeling of hate towards her when you can't even do that to Ting Wei or Georgie...I mean me and Kelly think Georgie is okay...only YOU think he's a bad guy and I don't hate Ting Wei and you wanna go fuck her up....also LEARN YOUR MISTAKES, BITCH!

Oh yea...just read your A TOTAL BIG ASS, GAINING WEIGHT=FAT, PYRAMID NOSE WHICH SHOWS OFF YOUR BIG NOSTRILS THAT SHOWS OFF YOUR BOOGERS, DARK, DRY, OLD, WRINKLY SKIN, SCARS ALL OVER YOUR BODY, STINKY BREATHE, YELLOW TEETH, FLABBY ARMS, FAT BELLY THAT WILL GROW SOON, LOTS OF BIG ASS DANDRUFF, SMALL EYES, NO EYELIDS, STEAL BOY THAT PEOPLE LIKES, PIMPLE FUCK BITCH ASS FACE WITH A HAIRSTYLE THAT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR BOLD AT ONE SPOT, SHORT FINGERS,DOUBLE CHIN,FAT FACE, WRINKLES ON NECK, BURP THAT ACTUALLY SMELLS, PIMPLE ON YOUR NOSE THAT MAKES YOU HAVE A WITCH NOSE, SHORT,FAT THIGHS LIKE JASMINE'S AND A KNEE TO THE ANKLE PART THAT LOOKS LIKE KJ'S WHORE! WHAT BOUT I CALL YOU THAT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE HUH? Wow...I'm just a FAT, FLAT NOSE, WRINKLES ON THE CORNER OF MY EYES, FAT THIGH, FLABBY ARMS, BELLY THAT IS REDUCING EVERY 3 OR 4 DAYS, SCARS ON MY COLLARBONE AND SOME ON THE LEG AND ARM, GREY SKIN, FAT FACE, WRINKLES ON NECK , SHORT, BIG LIPS AND TOO MUCH MOLES ON MY FACE WHORE....and mine is less than yours....if I was less fat and get a nose job...I be prettier than you! Hah! And if say as if or please...we just have to wait for bout a few more months and see if I'm still uglier than you! You look like nothing like your sis...she's a beauty while your the beast but you don't turn hot and you don't become lesbian with your yeah...and you want Cher to become a slut? Wow your such a great friend to her too! ^^ Btw if you actually read careful with your ugly no eyelids small eyes you can read that deep down inside me I still care and worry bout her future....I don't love her...if I did...I forgive her by now....duh!And that I'm writing to make up(sorta) with her in a way. And btw I should tell people that YOUR A SELFISH, RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL, LIAR, GOSSIP BEHIND PEOPLE'S BACK, DUMBASS, HYPOCRITE, NON BRUSHING TEETH IN THE MORNING(That's why your breathe smells awful), BITCHY, TAKE CONTROL OF THINGS OR YOU WON'T FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT AND BOSSY BITCH! How bout that?!! Why don't YOU get a life and GROW UP?! YOU have a grudge against me right now and Ting Wei and Georgie. I only have don't be such a HYPOCRITE, YOU FAT ASS! And you'll definately end up in hell too and beside you can't ever go to me...I made sure of that! =D I never said I love hell....are you thinking bout yourself? I said I'm GONNA end up in hell...idiot...I'm not pulling Kel down....YOU just mention Kel just now upstair so I can hate her right? Well dumbass think before you type next time! I didn't ask Kel to kill her or anything beside Kel always somehow defends Cher and told me to forgive her(Which I am very slowly doing)...and if I did wrong, why would Kel go to hell? Are you that fucktard stupid? Beside Kelly is too holy and nice to go to hell (and that she will drive the Devil crazy so she can't go to hell). GET A LIFE AND DON'T READ BLOGS THAT AREN'T FOR YOU,BITCH!

Now your worse than thanks to you I'm no longer targeting Cheryl but your fat ass! =D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cheryl The Slut am I gonna start this?...Hmmm...Let's see...Cheryl used to be my best friend and all that crap and she hurt me blah blah blah and I hate her blah blah anyway um...

One time, I remember Jin asked me "Why do you still care?! She's no longer your friend anymore so don't go and be a busybody and stop calling her slut and all that!" after I just complain and bitch about how Cheryl Peh is such a slut...but after that...I never thought of it anymore til today...Why today? Cause I was bored...and that memory came back to me...Why am I still being a busybody? Why am I still thinking bout you(Cheryl) anyway?...No...I don't like you...pleases get over yourself with that...And that I realize maybe I don't hate you as much as I thought I do....maybe I'm starting to hate you a little now...but I still hate you though whenever I see your face....don't get me wrong...when I DON'T see you...I remember the good times and how you actually DID care,very generous and all that shit...I don't know why but when I see yo face up all in there like your so pretty and like so much better and boys just wanna have a go at....I mean be with you (yea that's better)...anyway you just remind me of bitches mostly from 90210,Gossip Girls(Never watch them) and all those chick films...and it makes me wanna stab your pretty face...D=< Yes...I admit you're pretty...but don't get high and mighty over it....neways...I'm always so mad when you have new boys and yet still like others pisses me off...cause this what SLUTS actually do... You are definately a bitch and so am I but I ain't a slut though...I only call you slut and gossip bout you. Hoping that it gets to your ear is because I don't want you to end up sad, lonely,like your mom(not trying to insult her) and it will ruin your future in a lot of ways...beside rumours are gonna keep spreading and soon I won't be the only one calling you a slut...

Even though I hate you...I still wanna protect you (in my own very bitchy and mean way cause I can't be nice and not tell you the truth like I use to). I wrote things on my pm cause well to see if I actually get your attention and they do! Which is hilarious cause I actually make you realize my existence and also my name is banana cause I am doesn't that ryhme? ^^ neways...yellow ain't my fav cause they are SO freaking Bright!!!!! *Sigh* Beside that's JKimisYellow's fav really have forgotten my fav is not my fav movies.... comedies ARE! Cause they are so hilarious! XD Beside...not ALL porns are my seriously the porn my dad buys totally suck except for one.... Oh yea...Somebody told me bout your blog and mentioned that you mentioned me in it...Awww...I'm flatter that you care enough to write about me. Thanks! ^^ Neway....I'm being a total bitch to you cause you do really stupid things without thinking...*sigh* what happen to your brain? And also please don't keep talking bout your in love...that's very insulting to all the people who are TRULY in love and don't cheat, like other people even though they already have LOVE ones and uh...stuff that you yeah neways... through out the whole entire day, I was thinking will I forgive you like I did with Jasmine,Jinger and some other people I don't remeber right at this moment... I hate tomorrow....and the day after that...and that but maybe I might truly forgive you and wheather you care or not and read this blog or not...Just wanna say that I may hate you now....but somewhere deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep super extremely deep inside of me I still care for you...cause if I don't look out for you...who will? And also I never got the chance to say this but I'm sorry bout your mom's death...she didn't deserve to yeah...neway if you ever read this and wanna talk to me bout it...don't....don't sms....msn.....or in that chatroom that's in this blog...just don't....cause I just get really pissed off for some reason...just tell yeah...byes! ^^

Ps.Don't ever get close to a guy that starts with J....n looks like really hot but super thin n super'll die....where I got this info is something I cannot tell you or anyone else.....

Pss.I didn't read your blog....yet....but knowing you...your gonna tell me you don't care I call you a slut right?

Have a great life! ^.^ ~